Star Crossed

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Chapter 1

Being the daughter of the worlds only consulting detective is never easy. I was raised from the age of two in deduction and crime solving. I mean I had to be being the daughter of Sherlock Holmes. We always had adventures and dangers, Sherlock, John, and I, but it wasn't till the year I turned 16 when things began to spiral down hill.

Cameron's POV:

Dad really was getting on my nerves. He had just finished his most recent case this morning whilst walking in our flat a bloody mess carrying a harpoon exclaiming that none the cabs would take him.

"What are you two yelling about?" I asked looking up from my book at their argument.

"I need some! where is my secret stash!" Sherlock exclaimed rummaging around the flat for his cigarets. Which, I had hid underneath the skull on the mantle piece who I had most recently began to talk to.

I never had any friends I am almost exactly like my father, Sherlock, in that way. I mean that's one of the few similarities we share besides eye color and intelligence levels. But at least he has John.

I was snapped out of my reverie when Mrs. Hudson ran out of the room crying.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked raising an eyebrow while John was telling him to go apologize but was cut off by the doorbell.

I man by the name of Henry Knight came in and started talking jubberish about a big dog that attacked his father. This was my que to leave.

I grabbed my navy trench coat and went out unnoticed.

Stepping into my favorite little cafe around the corner I made a quick deduction of the three people there.

Couple by the window. recently engaged,women unemployed, man a police officer judging from his uniform still on he's on a lunch break, recent hair cut still trimmings on his collar, women's hiding something, possibly pregnant, no defiantly she keeps touching her stomach slightly but man doesn't know.

I looked around to the other man sitting in the far right corner. a lawyer by the looks of his suit, he's having an affair he's fingering the wedding ring which has been recently taken off, he keeps looking around which means he's expecting someone probably a client.

I couldn't be bothered with him any longer cause I suddenly felt a nudge on my shoulder.

I turned around to see the most bright green eyes staring into me as his slight Dublin accent said, "Sorry, I couldn't help but notice that you were alone and I was wondering if you'd like to get some coffee with me?"

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