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Sorry this isn't edited.

Calums pov

I was fucking scared right now. Ashton was drunk and screaming and throwing things. I had never seen him like this before.
"You could have fucking pushed her off you!" He screamed looking over to where I was standing to scared to move.
Yes me and Ashton we're dating we had been for 4 months.
Today a girl, I have no fucking clue what her name was, cornered me and kissed me. I tried pushing her off. Finally I did and I saw Ashton. He looked like he could have killed someone. That someone probably being me. He ran out of the room I yelled after him but he was gone. I started yelling at the girl then I broke down. I couldn't stop crying. When I finally did I went home to mine and Ashton's apartment. Ashton wasn't there. He came home about 2 hours later. Drunk. He had been screaming at me since.
"Why the fuck do you always screw things up?" He was still yelling. I was trying to convince myself that this was the alcohol talking.
"I don't mean to." I barely whispered.
"What was that? Speak up!" he threw a glass at the wall and started to walk closer to me.
"I don't mean to." I said a little louder.
"Why did you kiss her?" he said talking normally now.
"She kissed me and I pushed her off me. Why would I kiss her when I have you?"
"Don't fucking lie to me!" He screamed again this time he hit me with a clenched fist on the side of my face. I was shocked. So was he. I grabbed my coat tears streaming down my face and walked out the door. Ashton was calling me but I ignored him. I kept walking and walking until I found a park bench. I had no fucking clue where I was. I sat on the bench and kept crying. It was starting to get dark. I didn't care. It was starting to rain. I didn't care it would help hide my tears.

I had been sitting on the park bench for maybe an hour when I heard someone say my name. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice. I saw Ashton all wet from the rain with red, puffy eyes. He sat down next to me. I was scared.
"Hey, I'm sorry Cal. Please come home." He tried to put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched away from his touch. He looked hurt.
"Come here." he whispered trying to pull me into a hug. I cowered away. He chocked out a sob. He walked about 5 metres away from me and got out his phone. He called someone his eyes never leaving me once. Once he hung up he came and set at the other end of the bench.
About 10 minutes later of awkward silence Luke came running over from a nearby car park. He was getting wetter and wetter with every step he took.
"Oh Cal." he said when he reached us pulling me into a hug. I melted into it.
"Come with me yeah?" he asked me. I nodded into his chest. He lead me over to his car Ashton following behind. He sat me in the passenger seat and shut the door. He said something to Ashton and walked around to the drivers side if the car. He got in and speeded off leaving Ashton in the car park looking like a broken mess. It was dark by now. I was worried for him how was he going to get home.
"How will he get home?" I chocked out.
"He'll probably call Michael."
We sat in silence for the rest of the car ride. We ended up at Luke and Michaels apartment. We got out of the car and Luke grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him. I was shaking either for the rain or from the hit.
"Do you want a shower?" Luke asked when we got to his apartment. I nodded.
"I'll get you some dry clothes." he smiled at me and walked to his room returning shortly with clothes. He passed them to me a pointed me towards the main bathroom.
I took a long shower and changed into the clothes he gave me, some grey sweats, a nirvana shirt and a plain black hoodie. I walked back to the lounge room. Luke had showered too. Obviously in his own bathroom.
"Hey how are you?" he asked sitting on the couch. I shrugged and walked over to him plonking myself on the couch next to Luke.
"Oh my god! Your face! How hard did he hit you?" I shrugged yet again.
He pulled me into a hug.
We stayed cuddled up and watched Friends reruns for about and hour then I fell asleep cuddled up against Luke's side.

I woke up to people talking.
"Please Luke. I need to see him." It was Ashton. I didn't know what to think about him being here.
"No you can't." Luke said sternly. Luke has always been protective over me even though he was younger.
"He's my fucking boyfriend I can see him if I want to!" Ashton's voice was starting to raise.
"You fucking hit him Ashton!"
I stood up from the couch and walked to the front door. Ashton looked really mad. Luke had his arms on either side of the door. Ashton's eyes softened when he saw me.
"Hey." he said looking at me. Luke spun around.
"Cal, do you want him to leave?" I shook my head.
"No it's okay." Luke just sighed and started to walk away.
"Hey?" I said grabbing Luke's arm.
He looked at me.
"Thank you." He just smiled sadly and whispered so only I could hear
"Yell out if you need me. Okay?" I nodded. He walked away. Ashton walked in and closed the door. He turned and faced me.
"Oh my god! Baby I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Shit look what I did to you! For fucks sake I'm so fucking sorry Cal!" he had tears falling from his eyes. He seamed to have sobered up a bit now. I just stood there staring at him like an idiot.
"Cal, baby I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! I was just really angry and jealous and drunk. I'm sorry." he said looking down.
"I know that you probably won't want to see me again. Ever. But I love you so much Calum. More than you'd ever know and I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you I really didn't." He paused for a bit. I didn't say anything.
"I'm going to go home and when or if your ever ready to talk I'll be there. Ok? And I'll come here and check on you until your ready to talk to me. I love you baby and in really sorry." he turned to leave.
"Ash" I called after him. He turned back to me.
"I love you too." I gave him a pathetic smile and then he left. I went into Luke's bedroom an climbed into bed with him.
"What'd he want?" Luke asked softly.
"He told me he's going to wait for me to forgive him and he's going to come here everyday and check on me until I do."
"Cal. You don't have to forgive him."
"I know but I love him and it was my fault that I got hit. I got in his way and I kissed someone else." I said both me and Luke knowing that I was stretching the truth a bit. Luke just sighed and pulled me closer we then fell asleep.
It had been two days. I had been staying at Luke's for two days. Ashton came I check on me like he said. I didn't want to see him yet so I told Luke to send him away. He did go but not without arguing. Ashton is yet to come today. It is 4pm and I'm doubting that he will come. I told myself that today I will talk to him and try to forgive him but if he doesn't turn up that won't be happening if he doesn't come.
It's now 5pm and Ashton still isn't here. Luke has just gone to get food.
There was a knock at the door. I jumped. I was suddenly nervous. I went to get the door.
"Calum!" Ashton breathed out. He hugged me. I melted into his touch.
"I've missed you baby." He whispered into my hair.
"I've missed you too." I said into his neck.
"I love you Ash."
"I love you too Cal." We stayed hugging in the doorway for about 5 minutes until Luke got home.
"Oh I see you guy have made up." Luke said walking towards us. I jumped away from Ashton.
"Uhh not really." Ashton said scratching the back of his neck.
"Can we talk." Ashton asked looking at me. I nodded. We went to the lounge and Luke went to the kitchen.
"Cal I'm so sorry. I love you so much it's been torture not seeing you for two days. Please come home. I love you!"
I smiled at him and pecked his lips.
"Please don't hurt me again Ash."
"I won't baby. I promise. I'm so sorry!"
I kissed him again.
"Wait here." I told him. I went into the kitchen and found Luke putting food into cupboards.
"Luke." he spun around to face me.
"Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without you. I'm going to go home now. But thank you." I walked over to him and gave him a hug.
"Cal if it ever happens again your coming here and your not going back." he warned me.
"It won't Luke. Thank you." I pecked his check and went to get Ashton.
We said bye to Luke and Ashton drove us back to our apartment. The car ride was silent.
When we got home we went straight to bed.
"How did you end up getting home from the park the other night?" I asked Ashton.
"Michael came and picked me up. He had been staying here except for last night he went to visit his parents."
"Oh" was all I said.
"I love you." Ashton whispered as I fell asleep in his arms.

I this short? Idk. Thanks if you read to the end.

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