My auto tuning sucked

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Capítulo 10: My auto tuning sucked

I hadn't slept at all well, Hailey's curvaceous body image was constantly penetrating my brain, but instead of relaxing, the vision fevered my mind and in the end I woke up very close to five o'clock in the morning so I couldn't go back to sleep despite my attempts to get back to restful sleep.

I could distinguish the delicate and perfect silhouette of my young friend who moved because of the soft, steady breathing.

I couldn't stand it, so I did what anyone would do, or at least what any decent person would do, I went to the bathroom and did activities that had nothing to do with the typical eschatological activities I did every day.



Dawn lights flooded the room and Hailey woke up as she hugged her stuffed animals in her bed.

"Good morning, Vladimir."

"Good morning my friend, it's a new day."

"Yes, after my parents leave we'll go to Internet Explorer... Umm, I don't want to get up, but I have to go to the bathroom."

Unable to help it, Hailey went to the bathroom and then I had to wait in her room until her parents went to work.



I had to pretend to be a zombie with what we arrived at our destination later than I would have liked.

The hacker's "office" turned out to be an old motor home (well, old for the people of the future), the vehicle inside it was full of garbage and small, fist-sized, arachnid-looking robots that kept moving from place to place, including the walls and ceiling, albeit slowly.

"Internet, I'm here! Until when are you going to be locked in the bathroom!"

A guy who was no different from a punk of the eighties and with a lot of piercings all over his torso, opened the door and gave the girl a gaze.

"You again, you're sick, you know that!"

"Shut up, I need a data transfer crystal model PU&SS-Y2016 and its reader."

"Hmm? That's an antique, where I'm gonna get something like that."

"Come on, you can do anything. I'll recognize you well."

"Okay, so why did you bring the friend?"

"I need you to register him biometrically so it can pass through all the recognition systems."

"How many more times do you want me to...?"

"Please... Okay?"

Hailey subtly twisted her body and ate the subject alive with her gaze, while giving him a mischievous smile.

"You win, I'll do the biometrics right away, but the crystal and its reader will take a while, you'll have to come another day."

Hailey accepted and the subject took me to one of the VR May armchairs, although this one looked modified.

"Well, here we go. Because of you I already know the process by heart," said the guy and activated the machine.

Colorful lights that went from one side of the VR May's internal screen to the other, moved around and without me intending to, I started to nod due to sleep.

"Damn it, girl, you see what happens. I told you..." I heard the guy scolding my friend. I couldn't hear the whole conversation because I fell asleep.

I thought I slept a lot but didn't remember anything when I woke up.

"Are you all right, Vladimir?" Hailey asked me with a worried face.

"Yeah... I didn't think I was that tired. I didn't sleep well last night."

"You're stubborn, I told you you should sleep with me in bed. The couch is very uncomfortable."

"Don't start that again... Where's the guy?"

"Internet explorer? He went to work. Don't worry, he assured me he'd get the crystal and its reader."

"All right, listen, I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble."

"Don't worry, it's nothing. Now let's go home, because if my parents find out about you, it'll be a big deal."

"Tell me, how did the biometric process go?"

"Oh, everything went well, now you can pass as a real friend in front of everyone."

"If so, why are you so worried about your parents finding out about me?"

"Foolish, there is no discrimination against friends, but I don't think my parents will allow me to have a friend in my room. I told you, they're kind of special."

Hailey wouldn't insist on it, and to be honest with you, neither did I. I was tired, as if I had a temper.



After a walk that seemed like a torment to me, we arrived at Hailey's house and as soon as I entered her room, I collapsed on the couch.

"Maybe my fatigue is due to the exposure of the VR May machine", I thought and without giving more importance to the matter I closed my eyes and fell asleep.



When I woke up, I saw that Hailey was holding some kind of weird device, which apparently was scanning me with some kind of laser light.

"Vladimir," she said when I woke up, "this is serious, you're very sick."

"What's going on?"

"It seems that your cellular structure is degenerating. I don't know what could be causing this."

"Maybe it's because of my time travel."

"It can be, be that as it may, I have to take you to a hospital. I know, I'll take you to the hospital that attends friends! As you are already registered in the biometric database, there will be no problem for you to pass."

"Maybe, but the doctors will realize that I'm not a zombie when they examine me."

"You don't need to be examined. There are advanced diagnostic machines in that place, we'll go together and find out what's happening to you and if we can do anything."

I nodded that I was due to the mission I had been assigned and could not yet die without returning.

Hailey asked me to lie down on her bed to get my strength back. Although doubtful, this time I agreed because I knew that for tomorrow I would need all my strength. The problem was being able to sleep with my friend so close, but before I knew it I had given up on sleep.


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