More gay than Edward Cullen

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Capítulo 6: More gay than Edward Cullen

After my impression of the cat's name had been overcome, we moved on to Hailey's room.

At the door there were lots of metal signs and others warning her parents or anyone else about entering her room under the penalty of immediate or slow and painful death.

"Wow, this whole place is a jungle," I said to Hailey when I saw how many big stuffed animals were everywhere.

"Yes, I like to sleep cuddled up with a different stuffed animal every night."

It was the typical room of a teenager going through a rebellious phase. Lots of posters of rock bands and one or two of the usual handsome teenage actor.

We talked too much until her parents arrived and Hailey got nervous.

"Don't worry, didn't you tell me zombies are tolerated these days?"

"Yeah, but, well... my parents are a complicated matter, so they better not know you're here."

"Well, but... where am I going to sleep?"

"Sleep with me in my bed."

Well, I wasn't expecting this.

"Your bed doesn't look very big."

"Better, so we can sleep in each other's arms... wait, you don't have a rare skin disease from the past, do you?"

"That's what you're worried about! No, I don't have any skin disease and I think I'd better sleep on that hand shaped inflatable couch."

"No! I don't want you to see me as a discriminator, I have no problem with you getting into bed with me."

"Oh, God, I know I'm gonna regret what I'm gonna say next," I thought.

"Look Hailey, there may be no discrimination this time, but I would be very uncomfortable if we had to sleep together so suddenly."

"Oh, I see, well, I better say hello to my parents and then get ready for bed. There's the bathroom, brush your teeth or take a shower if you want."

"Thank you... and I'm sorry."

"Don't worry Vladimir," Hailey reassured me and then left her room.

When I went to the bathroom I didn't see a toothbrush and in the shower box there was a series of metal nozzles coming out of the walls and ceiling.

Hailey returned quickly and explained to me some aspects of the baths in the 23rd century, for example, the use of the three snails.

You bought it, didn't you? There's nothing about three snails in the bathroom like in the movie The Demolisher. But there are no toothbrushes anymore. It turns out that toothpastes and the bristles of toothbrushes, while preventing tartar formation, also wear away tooth enamel.

"Now we use the omnidirectional dental rinse," Hailey explained to me. "The human race would have lost its teeth in the 22nd century if it hadn't gotten rid of toothbrushes. Vladimir, try the mouthwash."

So I did and it felt like I was rinsing the liquid from a soda into my mouth. Then I spit the liquid into the sink.

"This thing is great!" I exclaimed as I looked in the mirror. All my teeth were clean.

"Hey, do they use tooth whitening this time?"

"Yes, I use it, but there is a political debate about banning teeth whiteners. After all, the teeth are not pearly white, but light ivory in colour. "

"Strange things are what the politicians of this era are debating. And how do you use the shower?"

"Oh yeah, I'll show you," said Hailey and just got naked and into the shower.

The sense of modesty went down the drain at this time.

The metal nozzles gave off very sprayed but pressurized jets that cleaned Hailey's entire body, and then these same nozzles released hot air jets that dried her in a flash. There were even nozzles on the floor even though they didn't protrude from the surface.


"Eh... yes I did, in fact, I think I saw too much" I answered and then I certainly suffered a pressure drop as I had to sit on the toilet.

Ah, about the toilets... well, did you see those modern Japanese toilets, because in the 23rd century, all the toilets are like that, there weren't many changes.

I settled down on the couch and then Hailey got into her bed. It turns out that my new friend was sleeping naked, not to mention that as soon as Hailey fell asleep, I regretted with all my heart that I had not accepted her invitation.

Hailey's cat jumped on my thighs and fell asleep in a heartbeat.

"Well, for lack of love... cat."



The emotions of the night before were so many that I was probably very tense inside and so I slept fast, so deep that when I woke up I hadn't noticed that Hailey wasn't in her room and apparently her parents had already gone to work.

"Hi Vladimir, did you sleep well?" Hailey said to me as she entered the room.

"Yes, thank you very much. What are you wearing there?"

"It's my school notes, I have a lot of homework and to top it off I'm about to fail in Physics and Music, I hate Music Theory, I don't understand anything. I also don't do very well in Programming, who wants to know FGTS language when you have infinite applications that do everything for you? It's so stupid!"

"Do you go to school?"

"Sure, why shouldn't I go?"

"Yesterday I came into your house because I assumed that only your parents lived here."

"Oh... of course you come from the past. You see, there are no more physical schools, now you connect to VR May and you're already in school."

You know, I'm getting tired of being in this day and age, everything is so different that I don't understand half the things Hailey talks about, and this school thing is one of those, but anyway, that's gonna have to wait until the next chapter.


A zombie in the 23rd century (completed 11/11)Where stories live. Discover now