What a waste of androids

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Capítulo 7: What a waste of androids

I was immersed by Hailey's explanation, the strange armchairs in the living room were actually complete virtual reality machines called VR May, with which people of this time could go to various shows or social events if they could not attend such in physical form.

Hailey and I entered the VR May and suddenly the living room disappeared to become a huge school room.

"This is my school, of course there's no one here now because we're not on school time."

"Unbelievable, but... doesn't this affect the socialization of the students since they are only in this virtual environment?"

"Of course not, after all, if we want to, we can meet in the real world. I, for example, have an appointment with my friends this afternoon... and I won't be able to attend unless I finish my homework first."

"Oh, sorry, I'm distracting you."

"Don't worry, why don't you go around the world with the VR May?"

"All right, I'll see you later."

Hailey went to her room to do her homework and I got caught up in virtual reality. It is impossible for me to describe in words how real virtual reality felt, not only the images in front of me, but also the sensations that ran through my skin. The VR May could perfectly reproduce the tactile sensation not only of your hands, but of your entire body and face.

So, I was entertained touring various places that were in the real world and without leaving Hailey's living room.



When the afternoon came, Hailey cooked food provided by the Laura and we both tasted what I thought was chicken fillets with lettuce and chopped tomatoes.

"What did you think of the food?"

"It was very good, you can tell you can cook."

"It's good that you liked it, at first I didn't like it in the kitchen but I got better with time."

"Hey Hailey, you were telling me earlier that there were androids cooking but then they were banned by the government."

"That's right, they banned them before I was born, in fact those things were banned in my grandparents' time, before my parents were born."

"And why is that?"

"Because it was a big mess, that's why. You see, androids looked so much like humans and performed so much of the human labor that in the end there were so many protests."

"I'm sure that by taking jobs away from people."

"In part Vladimir was like that, but the biggest problem was that the birth rate around the world fell dramatically."

"No! You're telling me that..."

"Yes, with so many android models of faces and bodies dreamed of for either male or female use, it was no wonder that everyone ended up having sex with these things. But what was most disturbing was that the cases of men or women in love with the androids spread like wildfire. There was a lot of fear from religious and feminist groups. At that time the world government was almost entirely ruled by women of radical feminist philosophy. "


"When it was proposed to increase the artificial intelligence so that the androids would be able to love, all the alarms became on. What made the situation worse was the fact that companies were developing androids with the ability to become pregnant."


"It was a dark time, society was divided in two: On the one hand, those who defended the androids; and on the other, those who wanted to see them all destroyed. And as you can see today, those retrograde ones who wanted to destroy the androids won."

"It's a pity, and there are no orders to rebuild more android models?"

"In fact, a law has already been passed to build androids, of course these new models will not look anything like the previous ones. They will not have a human appearance at all to avoid the problems of the past."

Hailey was discouraged to comment on the latter, and when I asked her, she told me that she was part of a youth protest group and that with the approval of the construction of a new range of android models, her hopes of launching her protest group went down the drain.

"I didn't know you were anti-system Hailey."

"It's not funny, Vladimir, history has taught us that it was the social protests that advanced humanity. People today don't complain or protest about anything... thank goodness my colleagues and I still have friends."

"You mean the zombies?"

"Exactly, do you think it is right that poor friends should be discriminated against so much and not allowed to work at all?"

"But the zombies don't need to eat, sleep or get sick... Whoa, when I came to this time, I saw a doctor check on a zombie in the hospital."

"You know, it is the fundamental right of every person to work! Friends are people with renewed rights, so as people they should also have the right to work!"

I was surprised to see how Hailey "lit up" with her belief and the truth is that taking her from that point of view, she was somewhat right. However, I was surprised that Hailey didn't answer me about the whole zombie auscultation thing at the hospital, but I didn't have time to insist on it because my friend had invited me to meet her friends.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

"You're going out like this? You're half-naked!"


Yeah, the sense of modesty went to the toilet these days, not that I'm complaining but... you know what I mean.


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