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"Oh of course Caroline I would love to watch the kids."


"Oh of course Phil too. He's practically family now he's always at your house isn't he?" I snicker as Caroline gushes about Phil. She describes him at one of the sweetest kids on the planet very humble and helpful.

"I'll be waiting for them hope you and Ronaldo have fun tonight babes."

I can tell she's blushing through the phone as she lets out a giggle.

"I love you see you later."

"I never meant a word I said." She whispers. Ronaldo had gone home and the kids have long been asleep yet she still felt the need to be quiet. Like all thoughts consumed her body and mind and wrapped generously around her throat keeping most things from escaping.

It was me and her together on the couch. No distance between us we sit with our sides pressed against eachother.

"I know you didn't. You fought so hard for us. For me. I know that stress must've gotten to you."

She goes to talk and her voice cracks and croaks as tears waterfall down her cheeks. I grab her hand squeezing it lightly smiling a tad to maybe get one out of her

"Caroline I could never hate you for anything you do. You're my only family. Well not only anymore now I have a niece and nephew now so even better."

We both laugh lightly through our tears. I look at her and even with her smile it doesn't truly reach her eyes. There's still so much more she wants to say but she doesn't have to. I understand I forgive her I want her to be happy and live life with me now in it.

"I still have the urns." She mumbles unable to reach any octave higher than a whisper. "I couldn't bring myself to let them go. I know their spirits live on somehow."

She stands up taking my hand leading to a room completely on its own opening the door slowly brings a dim candlelight into view. A wedding picture of our mother and father rest between the two urns in the windowpane. I smile at the scene that has unfolded before me.

Caroline has always cared but found it harder and harder to express until one day she finally had to let go. I'm guessing that's the day she met Ronaldo it explains why he cares so much. She never truly meant anything she said it was just hard for her that I understand...but would she be able to understand my lifestyle? How I am?

I stand from my bed making it up neatly moving rose from place to place because she didn't want to get off. I sing to myself as I put things in order around my room.

"Bye Auntie O." I turn confused and see mei-mei in the doorway with her small suitcase and book bag.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" I rush over to her and she places her suitcase down embracing me tightly.

"Mommy and Daddy came back. I'll miss you."

Tears prick my eyes. I never considered that mei would actually have to go back to her parents. I kiss the top of her head and let a few tears fall. She's my little princess I'm going to miss her so much

"I'll visit soon!" She cheers kissing my cheek ever so softly before grabbing her bag again and running off down the hall. I smile hearing her giggle flood the house and then sudden silence. The silence overwhelms me quickly and I just have to go do something to occupy myself.

I close my bedroom door behind me as I step out into the hall looking over the railing down I see Daddy walking towards the kitchen. I slowly walk down the stairs scared he may still be angry with me. It's been 3 days since he punished me and neither of us have talked to each-other. I miss his kisses and him holding me and telling me I'm a good girl and giving me my paci and sippy.

I reach the bottom of the steps and walk over to the kitchen standing silently in the doorway. Daddy is making what smells like eggs and he doesn't even look in my direction.

"I'm assuming you're hungry." He plainly says serving a plate putting a single piece of toast on it. He sets the place on the bar and pats the seat for me to come sit. I race over sitting down quickly and digging into the meal. Well if you could even consider it that. I want pancakes and kisses instead of this boring grown up breakfast.

"Well jeez slow down there little one don't want you to choke." He mumbles beside me as he picks at his own food.

"Sorry." I sputter slowly chewing and eventually finishing. I put my plate in the sink walk back up to my room to change before the kids arrive.

I decided I wanna wear my cute yellow flannel. I wear a white shirt underneath with black shorts.

I race back down stairs cleaning up all the toys and coloring junk.

"Another day without my baby I see."

I turn around quickly and see Daddy with a sad look across his face. I pout and walk over into his arms as he embraces me tightly.

"I'm sorry daddy. I'm watching my sisters kids today."

"What if you fall into little space?"

I shrug and he sighs rubbing my back slowly up and down.

"Well I'll be in my office so if you need anything make sure to come tell me okay?"

I nod and he grunts

"Words kitten."

"Yes daddy I will come tell you if I need anything."

He kisses the top of my head stroking me hair downwards

"Good girl."

My heart flutters as he says the words I've been dying to hear again. I smile widely nuzzling into his chest momentarily before he walks off.

The doorbell rings and I jump scurrying over

"Hi Carrie!" I exclaim bringing her into a tight embrace. She has her hair down and in its natural curls with a flowing red dress that dips down between her breast and ends right at above her knees and it's paired with a nice gold bracelet and nude heels.

"Hi fifi. I'll come and get them as soon as the date is over."

"Oh no please take your time." I wink and she shoves my arm lightly before kissing all the kids and even giving me a quick peck on the cheek. We wave as she scurries down the driveway into her car driving down the street.

"Alright kids so what would you guys like for dinner?"

"Pizza!" They all cheer in unison. Typical do kids ever want anything else? No. The answer is no.

"Alright let me go tell my boyfriend and we'll go out for pizza."

I have the children sit patiently on the couch while I walk to the stairs to daddy's office. I knock lightly on the door before placing my hands behind me

"Enter." Daddy says his voice is so hot it drives me crazy. I open the door slowly and speak as daddy comes into full view

"Me and the kids are going for pizza will you joining us?"

He glances at his watch and shrugs

"Yeah sure let me go change into something comfortable. Give me 10 minutes little one."

I nod walking out closing the door behind me. But as I close the door i suddenly feel different. Wait. Oh no no no not now! I quickly back turn around and open the door slowly peaking in


Nicholas' pov

"Daddy?" I hear my little angel say. I immediately go into daddy mode and snap my head up seeing her standing in the door way. Hands behind her back and her head lowered

"Yes love bug?" I muse and I hear her adorable little giggle. Oh how I missed her being my baby. But then I remember we have guest and I stand up grabbing kittens face and saying "you need to be a big girl remember?"

She just looks at me and shakes her head. It's been too long for her and she can't seem to progress back into her regular headspace yet.

"I love you daddy." She smiles me still holding her face. She grabs my hands giggling some more. Oh god what am I going to do with her?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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