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*Nicholas pov*

I watch her as she sleeps. She began turning and whining. I take her paci and place it softly in her mouth. She sucks lightly calming down and I pull her close to me and rub her back. She's so delicate and I love her so much.

She's so cute and I just wanna protect her at all cost. And I will because she is my princess. My baby girl. My kitten. My everything. I haven't felt this way since...her. But I was to harsh with her. But she didn't use the safe word like she was supposed to. She said she could do it I can't keep blaming myself.

I wipe my tears that fall. I have to be careful with Ophelia or I may lose her too and I refuse to lose her.

Oh god baby girl please don't leave me I love you so much.

I finally go to my own bedroom and settle down in bed.

I jump when I feel movement behind me in bed suddenly I'm embraced by what feels like my beautiful sleepy baby girl.

"I love you Daddy."

She says oh so sweetly that it makes me melt.

"I love you too baby girl."

I say and fall asleep once again.

*Ophelia pov*

I crawl out of bed and go to check on Mei-mei.

I peek my head in the room and she's sitting in front of the tv holding the stuffed cat I gave her tightly. She looks so small in Daddy's shirt it's so cute. I walk in closing the door behind me and I sit next to her she jumps a little before smiling.

"Hi Auntie O!"

"Hi mei-mei whatcha watching?"

She shrugs and I look at the tv and it's avatar:the last airbender. I remember when me and Ryan were obsessed with this series brings back good memories.

"Auntie O you look kinda like Katara but prettier."

I giggle and so does she.

"Hey Mei-mei you hungry?"

I ask and she nods

"Can we have Dino nuggets?!"

"Absolutely, I love Dino nuggets!"

Mei-mei smiles and we stand up tip-toeing to the kitchen because daddy may get mad. I grab the nuggets out the freezer and place them on a tray and into the oven. We sit and drink juice while we wait both on the counter and swinging our legs.

"Hey auntie O?"

"Yes sweetest?"

"You can be more like a kid than a grown up. I like it."

I blush and smile.

"Well Mei-mei sometimes I act like a kid and I can't help it. And your Uncle Nick takes care of me like how I do to you."

She nods


I can't explain to her the actual reason why that'd traumatize her so I just shrug and say,

"Because it's fun to be a kid. So sometimes I may act just like you maybe younger and we can play together and color together just as if I was one of your friends."

"Well we are friends aren't we Auntie O?"

I look at her and she looking at me with her big beautiful blue eyes just like Daddys and I nod hugging her close and kissing her head

"We're best friends."

The timer goes off and it's louder then usual I jump and turn it off and Mei-mei giggles. I take the nuggets off the tray and put them on a plate and grab two juices and we go back to Mei-mei's room.

Suddenly I hear Daddy's footsteps and we race to the room and close the door and wait silently. The door starts to be cracked open and we flop down on the bed pretending to be asleep.

"Hm I guess they're asleep and it cant be them who left the nuggets on the kitchen counter."

I mentally curse myself for making that dumb mistake when suddenly I'm bursting out laughing and so is Mei-mei.

"Ha! Now the tickle monsters gotcha!"

We try to fight off Daddy together but he's stronger than us.

"Please stop Uncle Nick!"

Mei-mei laughs and he does laughing with us.

"So, what are you two lovely ladies doing awake this time of night?"

"We got hungry."

I say pointing to the nuggets we made and daddy chuckles.

"Well I guess that's a good enough reason you girls have fun but don't stay up too late you need your beauty sleep."

He kisses both our heads before walking out the room shutting the door behind him.

"Uncle Nick is really handsome I see why you're dating him."

She smiles and I blush

"He sure is."

"Are you guys gonna get married?"

I blush even harder and shrug

"Who knows. I don't think uncle Nick likes me that much though not enough for marriage just yet."


She says loudly catching me way off guard

"Uncle Nick talks about how much he loves you all the time he'd always call mommy and talk about you to her for hours mommy said you were the one."

I smile from cheek to cheek that's so cute.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. Maybe one day we will get married Mei-mei."

"I hope so. I wanna be the ring bearer. Mommy wouldn't let me at hers cause she said it's a boys job but I would've been a way better ring bearer than Rodney."

Well that's shameful I don't see how even small things like being a ring bearer have to have gender roles.

"Well you can be our ring bearer Mei-mei."

I say and kiss her head

"I like you better than the girl Uncle Nick was with before."

I freeze mid-sip of my milk and look at her.

"Who was he with before me Mei-mei?"

I say softly

"He was with a girl who looked kinda you but with green eyes. Her name was Rosalina. Uncle Nick and her would always argue yet somehow they never broke up. She had Uncle Nick what mommy called "whipped" until one day she just...disappeared. We never heard from her again. Uncle Nick was sad for a really long time but then he met you! And now he's happy again!"

Is that the woman who was in the picture?


Is all I manage to say and Mei-mei's smile faulters but returns brightly.

"Can we finish our food now Auntie?"

I nod and we eat our food before laying down in bed together and falling fast asleep.

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