Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The day of revenge had arrived.  I had spent the previous night establishing and confirming details with Aaron.  He had secured the northwest dining hall on the second floor for my event and agreed to prepare the appetizers.

…Not that any of the guests would be eating much of the food.  The hall simply needed to look presentable for the facade we were trying to achieve.

All morning I worked with Aaron in the kitchens, waiting to talk to Prince Harry since I did not want the unfortunate experience of walking in on him and whoever he had brought home.

“I think you’ll be fine now,” Aaron nodded, giving me the cue to deliver breakfast to His Royal Highness.

“Okay,” I breathed.

After placing the food we had prepared on the serving cart, I slowly walked out of the kitchens to the service elevator..  I took several deep breaths as I rode up to the third floor, attempting to rid myself of nervousness.  As usual, the attempt proved futile.

I knocked on his door, nonetheless.

“Come in.”

“Breakfast, Your Highness,” I said politely, bowing my head slightly as I entered the room.

Harry was sitting at his desk, typing away at something on his fancy iMac.  He faced me briefly, pointing to the space near the door where a few cushy arm chairs and a table were laid out.  “You can leave it there.”

He turned back to the computer, returning his attention to whatever he was working on as I rolled the cart to his designated dining area.  I turned back towards him as he ignored me.

“Excuse me, sir?”  I fought to keep my tone as cordial and submissive as possible.  It was proving to be quite a difficult task.

He let out a large sigh but continued typing on his computer.  “Yes?” he questioned with his back still towards me.

“I was told to inform you that you have a dinner meeting this evening at seven forty-five in the northwest dining hall on the second floor, your Highness,” I recited, silently praying that he wouldn’t think to question my story.

He groaned in annoyance.  “And no one thought to inform me of this sooner?”

“I-I’m just the messenger, sir,” I replied shakily.  A blush made its way onto my face, and I silently thanked whatever luck was on my side that Harry’s back was turned. My apparent nervousness would undoubtedly reveal my lies.

“What is the meeting for, and why am I supposed to attend?” His questions betrayed his exasperation. 

“A servant of my status is not allowed to know such important information,” I replied cryptically, attempting to appeal to his ego and simultaneously eradicate the sarcasm from my voice. 

He paused and finally turned in his seat to scrutinize me, seemingly a bit astonished by my strange behavior.  He turned back around just as suddenly.

“Alright, I’ll be there,” he huffed.

“Okay,” I squeaked.  I mentally face-palmed myself.  Just keep your mouth shut.

“I rather like you like this,” he commented offhandedly.  

“Like what, sir?”

“Respectful…You’re much less troublesome.”

I snickered quietly, pleased that he was too absorbed in cyberspace to notice.

Oh, if he only knew. 

Not Your Average Cinderella Story [Prince Harry]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن