Chapter 5

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A/N: Got my computer back yesterday!! YAY!  Stupid thing crashed, and I thought I lost all my work… But I didn’t!  Oh the wonders of smart computer technician people geniuses.


Anywho!  Here’s the next chappie! :D


The picture on the side is Violet ------------------------->

Chapter 5

The remainder of the day, I spent as much time as possible in the kitchens.  I was surprised that Aaron hadn’t gotten sick of me already.  He actually seemed to enjoy my company as much as I enjoyed his.  He was turning out to be a good friend, although he did live up to his promise of making me do all his work for the remainder of the day.  Occasionally, he would step in and help out, but for the most part, he just sat on one of the kitchen counters and talked with me as I slaved away at work… okay maybe that was a little too dramatic.   The workload in the kitchens was significantly easier than yesterday’s, and Aaron’s presence made it all the more enjoyable.  I would have to ask Thompson if I could have a permanent job in the kitchen.

Aaron was somewhat of a sous-chef to the other chefs in the kitchens.  I had to do his dirty work including washing-I was smart enough the second time around not to start another bubble war with him-and drying the dishes, washing the floors, cutting vegetables, anything that had to be done in the kitchen. 

Aaron, on the other hand was assisting the chefs in preparing the meals.  While the other chefs prepared the main entrées, they let Aaron make some appetizers.  And let me tell you, he was an excellent cook.  This was another part I was beginning to like about my job.  Other than being the kitchen help and enjoying Aaron’s company, I was a first-class taste-tester.

I didn’t really feel like talking about what had happened between Harry and me.  I would tell Aaron about it eventually, but right now, I wanted to keep the atmosphere light.  Aaron was a very good distraction from the thoughts clouding my mind, one thought in particular.

I had just made an enemy of one of the most powerful people in the palace.


The next morning, I was feeling much better than I had the previous morning.  I was actually able to go to bed at a decent hour, and as a result, woke up refreshed and ready to do my job.  I didn’t think much of Harry, and even when his name popped into my head, I quickly pushed it away.

Safe to say, I was in a particularly good mood.

I smiled as I looked in the mirror while applying my sideburns, finding that the dark circles under my eyes had reduced from before.  I actually looked alive again. 

And yes, I wore sideburns.

I all but skipped to the dining hall an hour before breakfast was to be served.  I was never a morning person, but I guess moving to London changed some things about me.

I made my way to the kitchens to see if anyone needed my help in preparing food for the staff.  Aaron wasn’t there, but the main chef looked at me appreciatively when I offered to help, and throughout the morning, I could tell I was slowly gaining his respect.

When breakfast was ready, I piled food on my plate and made my way over to the table where I had met my new friends yesterday.  Another good thing about the castle was that they sure fed you well.  I would no doubt gain some weight from all the food, but I didn’t really care.

Not Your Average Cinderella Story [Prince Harry]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora