Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

50 votes!!! Yay! :D

Thanks to those who voted and to all my new fans!! ^___^

And a huge ‘thank you!’ to those of you who commented.  I always smile reading your comments, and it motivates me to write more for you guys. :)  It means a lot that you took time to write your thoughts about my story ^___^ You rock!

Dedication to the amazing LucyMarienne for making me my first cover!!! Isn’t it beautiful??? :D Thank you Lucy!

Anyway… on with the story ^___^

How many clothes could one person own?!  He wasn’t even a girl for Christ’s sake!  And really?  Hand-washing?  He was that worried about his freaking clothes?!  I scowled at his ridiculous request.

“Oh, servant, do my laundry,” I mimicked Harry’s condescending tone in a high-pitched voice.  “I’m so helpless that I’ll make you do it.  Actually, I could do it myself, but I’m too lazy and would much rather watch you suffer.  It’s not like I’m ever gonna wear these clothes again because I’m filthy rich and can afford to buy new Dolce suits everyday!”  Talking to myself was becoming more of a habit, seeing as I was usually alone for some portions of the day.

Friday had finally rolled around, and I could not have been happier.  I just needed to make it through six more hours and then I was free.  Free to go to Lily’s house for the weekend.  I smiled to myself.  I missed my best friend and couldn’t wait to talk to her and hear about what was going on in her life.  I’d been too busy with my job that I hadn’t had the chance to call her or see how she was doing until last night when we planned our girl’s night in for tonight.  I would finally be able to hear about something that didn’t revolve around the events occurring at Clarence House.

Something that didn’t revolve around the self-centered, annoying brat I had to work for.

I frowned.  What did I sign myself up for?

I looked at my watch, and my frown was soon replaced by a smile when I saw it was lunchtime.


I all but sprinted down to the dining hall and was even happier when I saw Aaron and Violet already sitting at our usual table.

“Someone’s hungry,” Violet smirked as she took a look at all the food I had managed to assemble on my plate.

“You hev no ider,” I mumbled through mouthfuls.

A small silence passed as the two siblings just watched me devour my lunch- Violet grimaced while Aaron laughed.

I couldn’t take the silence after awhile.

“So,” I began, swallowing whatever was in my mouth-I didn’t even care what I was eating.  I just grabbed what was closest to me on the plate- I turned to Aaron.  “You never did tell me about this girlfriend of yours,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

Aaron blushed a shade of pink, and Violet laughed quietly.  “He wishes she was his girlfriend.”

“Shut up,” he mumbled.

I cut Violet off before she could start another fight with him.  I had never seen him embarrassed before… then again I did only know him for like a week, but still… it was really cute.  He reminded me so much of a little puppy dog.

I smiled at that thought.  I couldn’t wait to hear about this girl he obviously had a huge crush on.  “Who is she-”

“I need Davis, Jones, Williams, Taylor, both Smiths, and Evans right away,” Thompson bellowed from the middle of the dining hall.

Not Your Average Cinderella Story [Prince Harry]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя