Our Most Embarrassing Secret(s) Part 1

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Angel:"Hey, everybody, I dare y'all to tell me your most embarrassing secret(s)! I'll tell you guys mine later!"

Lance:"Deal! I'll go first! I sometimes hug Hamletta while I sleep and I constantly drool on her, heh heh..."

Aaron:"I hug my hover-shield while I sleep, aaaaaand I have a crush on Whippy..."

Whiparella:"Say wha... What a coincidence! *gasp*"

Aaron and Whiparella started to blush.

Macy:"I...had a crush on Jestro before I started falling for Clay*blushes*, it's been quite some time..."

Jestro:"Oh, Macy, I had a crush on you too before I met Lavaria..."

Macy and Jestro blushed bright red.

Clay:"Oh dear me, I have a crush on Macy too... *blushes*"

Axl:"Me too, a few years ago... *blushes*"

Lance and Aaron:"Us too, but it's a long time ago..."

Macy:"Wha... Am I that popular?!?"

Axl:"Maybe... Oh! My turn! I constantly wanted to eat Hamletta..."

Lance held Hamletta tightly in his arms to protect her.

Axl:"Hehehe, yum!"

Lance:"Nuuuuuuuuuu....... Stay away from mah Ham Ham!"

Ava:"I am fond of romance."

Robin:"I have a crush on Ava!!!"

Ava looked at Robin with a surprised look as they both blushed.

Merlok:"I keep a stuffed Wanda doll! Even Wanda herself doesn't know about it!"

Wanda:"Oh, Merlok... I own a plushie version of you too!"

The two of them smiled sweetly at each other.

Angel:"Now the Lava Monsters!"

Magmar:"I secretly read everybody's diaries so I know all them secrets, mwa ha ha!!!"

Beast Master:"I secretly wink at others with my eyepatch covered eye. *winks at Lavaria* Your turn, sis!"

Lavaria:"Who? Me? Okay... Be prepared everyone!"

Everybody waited patiently for Lavaria to speak.

Lavaria:"I LOVE YOU, JESTROOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! *blushes*"

Jestro took off his hat and placed it on his chest.

Jestro:"Love you too, babe..."

The two of them smiled sweetly at each other and blushed.

Whiparella:"What is going on, everybody?!? Is this a love story or what?"

Lavaria:"No, of course... Remember what we're talking about today, sis. It's your turn now."

Whiparella:"Okay... I... own a pink frilly dress..."

Aaron:" *squeal!!!!!* "

Lance:"Alright, Angel, remember what you promised us!"

Angel:"Okay, okay... My secret is...that I constantly fall sleep at the toilet LOL"

The others gawked as they looked at me.

Angel:"What?!? The title says it all!"

Some of them are not that embarrassing, though...
Anyway, to be continued at the next part...

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