Hilariously Relatable LEGO Memes

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1) When your best friend already had a partner and you're still looking for one:

1) When your best friend already had a partner and you're still looking for one:

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2) When you and your sibling fought for quite some time:

3)  When you and your friends are discussing about what is going to come out for the test:

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3) When you and your friends are discussing about what is going to come out for the test:

3)  When you and your friends are discussing about what is going to come out for the test:

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4) When someone insults you:

5)  When you and your friends are partying at your house without your parents watching:

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5) When you and your friends are partying at your house without your parents watching:

5)  When you and your friends are partying at your house without your parents watching:

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