
"All students please change into your school robes. The train will be arriving in ten minutes." A voice echoed throughout the train. Hadrian stayed sitting, already having changed into his robes.

Minutes later, the train stopped and the students began flooding out and onto the platform. Hadrian walked over to a large half-giant that was calling the first years over.

"Four in a boat!" The half-giant yelled as they approached a large number of boats. Hadrian stepped into one and sat down, watching as three other people stepped in. Hadrian recognized them as purebloods. The Malfoy heir, the Parkinson heir, and the Greengrass heir all sat with him as the boat sped off across the lake.

"Nice snake." Malfoy said, starting conversation.

"Thank you." Hadrian replied.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said, sticking out his hand to Hadrian.

"Hadrian Riddle."

"Riddle? I've never heard that name before." Malfoy sneered, thinking him a mudblood.

"The Riddle's are direct descendants of Grindelwald and Slytherin." Hadrian said. Malfoy's eyes widened in realization.

"Forgive me for expecting the worst." Malfoy muttered.

"You are forgiven, however make sure it never happens again Malfoy." Hadrian glared.

"Please, call me Draco. This is Pansy Parkinson, and Daphne Greengrass." Draco said, gesturing to the girls.

"A pleasure to meet you, Pansy, Daphne." Hadrian said, taking their hand and kissing it politely. They blushed, and responded quietly. "This is my familiar, Draka. She will not hurt you as long as you do not intend harm upon her." He explained. They nodded, and then turned their attention to the castle that had just appeared past the hills.

"Wow. It's so big." Pansy gasped. The others nodded, staring at the large building.

"Heads down!" The half-giant, Hagrid his name was, yelled. Hadrian lowered his head, almost getting knocked off the boat by the bridge they went under.

After finally getting back on land, they were led in the castle by Proffesor McGonaggal, who told them to wait outside the main hall doors as she prepared for the sorting.

"Hadrian, you never told us what kind of snake Draka was." Draco said, turning to Hadrian. He sighed, and stroked Draka's head.

"Magical reticulated python."

"But pythons don't have fangs, or venom for that matter, as I'm assuming she does." Draco questioned. Hadrian turned to him with cold eyes.

"Did you not hear what I said? Magical." Hadrian scowled.

"Oh." Draco replied, turning away to hide his embarrassment.

"Alright children, come in." McGonaggal said, opening the doors. Hundreds of students were sitting, waiting for the sorting to happen. The first years stood in a large clump in front of a hat, waiting for something to happen.

"Now, when I call your name, come up and sit on this stool and wait for the hat to sort you. Abbot, Hannah." She explained, calling out the first name. A small girl walked forward, and sat with the hat on her head.

"Hufflepuff!" The hat suddenly called out. The hall clapped politely, and waited as the rest of the students were sorted.

"Malfoy, Draco!" Draco sauntered up with a smirk on his face, and didn't even sit down completely before the hat called out Slytherin. Hadrian clapped politely, waiting as more people got sorted, until, "Riddle, Hadrian." McGonaggal said shakely, eyeing the large snake on his shoulders.

Hadrian walked forward gracefully, smirking at McGonaggal as he knew she had been in school with his father, and could see the resemblance. Hadrian sat down and waited to be sorted.

'Well, what do we have hear? Another Riddle, no pun intended. The hat said in his head. Now, where to sort you. Hufflepuff is out of the question, you would terrify them before even having a conversation. Gryffindor? Though you have bravery, you do not use it. No, you use it in your words to persuade people, so Gryffindor is out too. Ravenclaw would be a good choice, considering you love books and are the lord of Ravenclaw, however you have more ambition and cunning than anything else. So really, I think we've already decided. Good luck, heir of Slytherin!'" That hat said, calling out the word Slytherin. Hadrian stood, gave the hat to McGonaggal who's hands were shaking, and sat next to Draco at the Slytherin table.

"I'm glad we're in the same house, Hadrian. This is Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, these two are Crabb and Goyle, and you've already met Pansy and Daphne. I'm sure we'll be great friends." Draco said.

"I'm sure we will." Hadrian smirked, stroking Draka's smooth scales. "~With you as my followers.~" He whispered to Draka.


Okay, this was done much sooner than I expected, so yay! You guys get another chapter! Anyways, just clearing some things up that may happen in the future. Hadrian will not be in any relationship as far as I know. There may be some side pairings, however I am not good at writing romance so don't expect too much. He still has his scar too, which marks him as Harry Potter, however his hair usually covers it up as it is sideswept like the Tom Riddle in his Hogwarts years. This will be coming into play later on. Thank you to everyone who has kept reading, even after the break! I really appreciate it!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now