Chapter 8 - Kristina's Dilemma

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Chapter 8

"A potential Devil. Of all people, Eve. You chose a potential Devil." I complain, out loud.

"Kristina we have to tell them." Cate says.

"But they'll kill him. It's Eve's first partner since the incident, She'll break again." I say, holding back tears.

"If we don't and they find out Valdis, and us are dead. It's void we're talking about." Cate explains.

"Fine we'll go. Hurry up and teleport us there before I think more about it." I say, standing up from my desk chair.

Cate starts the spell, making us black out in transference.

"Welcome baack, my bunnies" Celina says in a joyful voice.

"Do not call us that." I say.

"Where is it?" Cate asks, kind of demanding.

"Top floor, and what if I do." Celina replies.

"We'll kill you." Cate and I say as the elevator door closes.

"What do you want?" It says.

"Kristina.." Cate says, nudging me to speak up.

"uh- um. There's a potential Devil." I say.

"Details." It demands.

"His name is Valdis, an angel of death" I say.

"Then we'll kill him." It says.

"Y-yes." I say, forcing myself.

It hurts.

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