Chapter 3 - Start of Campus life

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Chapter 3

A campus?

"Welcome to AAD, Argie Angel Dimension, a never ending world." Eve said.

"Looks like a normal campus to me." I said.

"Well it's kind of like that but the campus never ends, you can fly for years and not reach an end. If you could fly that long.. Don't get me wrong it's not round like the earth, at least I don't think it is, well no one's really sure about this world." She tries to explain, but ended up confusing herself.

  She gives me a tour, explaining the housing and our jobs as death angels, apparently there are other kinds of angels like angels of life, fire, shadows, nature, etc. and death angels aren’t some evil force they're essential to maintain population balance on earth but, Eve said death angels are lacking which is causing the over-population of earth. Life angels don't like us death angels, an "Argie legend" is what people call it, at a point in time death angels didn't exist until life angels went overboard and created too many creatures, then death angels appeared and lots of the creations died and soon became extinct. Nature angels understand the whole concept.

"Hey Evelyn." and "Eve!" Two girls call out while approaching us. Her friends, of course.

"Hey." Eve says casually.

They start up a conversation until one of them notice I was still standing there.

"Who's he?" One of the girls say curiously.

The same dumbfounded look appears, must've forgot that she didn't introduce me.

"Oh right"

Yep, I was right.

", this is Valdis. Valdis, this is Cate and Kristina, Both angels of deception." Eve says casually, most likely not trying to attract too much attention to me.

“And what might he be doing with you?” Cate said, followed by devious grin from both of them.

“Well I kind of got a…” Eve said, but no one could hear the last word. Eve looked down and their grins grew wider.

“Got a what?” Cate said.

“a partner.” Eve manages to say.

“Oh look, our Evelyn got a MALE partner.” She says before turning to see that Kristina is gone.

“Must’ve forgotten something. She is a study freak, although she normally says something” Cate says trying to not care although she’s obviously concerned.

“So, Male partner. I’m not sure if I should call you lucky or cursed. Well, I got to go I’ll see you later.” She says, walking backwards smiling at the two of us until Eve started getting mad.

We head back to the door we came from and back into the darkness and endless place with nothing in it.

“I guess it’s time for us to start.” Eve sighs.

“Start what?” I ask.

She sighs again

“I guess I didn’t explain this but this darkness, our void, is a sub-dimension and we have to create our house.” She says.

“You got to be kidding me, we got to build that much?” I ask.

“I said create not build it, all we have to do is think up the house, but it takes a lot of energy.” She says.

“Oh… Alright well might as well get started.” I say.

  All I wanted was a two story house with 2 bedrooms, and bathrooms, no basement. I’ll make up my room later. Other thoughts popped up in my head, it’s like I’m thinking about what she’d probably want. Then the house appeared, Eve basically collapsed, I felt a bit tired but not to the point that my legs would give out. Eve’s phone was ringing, breaking the silence.

“Oh hey Kristina, you know Cate was looking for you.” Eve says, listening to Kristina for a while then she got a shocked look on her face and hangs up the phone.

“Val-dis...” She says, staring at me in shock.

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