Chapter 5 - Falling to death?

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Chapter 5

I stop spinning the chair, and stare at her.

“Why am I on the list, I’m still new to AAD? I haven’t even seen my own wings yet.” I ask.

“I don’t know, but since you are on the list there’s something special about you, we’ll find out what that special thing is soon enough.” Eve says.

“So I’m basically destined to be evil.” I say.

“That’s not true, I think. Even though I’ve only heard bad things about devils, I never heard that devils had to be evil.” She says.

I’m not really sad about being on the list, if anything I’m a bit excited. Since I’ve died and learned about this place everything feels right yet out of place at the same time. After about two minutes of silence I say okay and return to spinning in my chair, Eve walks out. It bothers me not knowing what she’s feeling, sorrow, relief, maybe even excitement. After trying to get used to the new situation I walk downstairs, Evelyn is watching TV.

“So what are we doing today?” I ask.

“Wings, registration, training.” She says while focusing on the TV.

“What?” I ask, hoping she can explain that more.

“Even though you’re new here, we can’t waste time. So, today I’m going to help you learn to take out and use your wings, take you to get registered so that we can actually go on missions, then training.” She explains.

“Okay..” I say while going back upstairs.

After changing clothes I go back downstairs.

“Let’s go.” I say to Eve who’s still watching TV probably waiting for me.

“Alright.” She says while getting up.

After walking past crowds of people, AAD is pretty pact during the day, we get too a mountain’s edge. Evelyn stared at the view for a few minutes then turned to me.

“It’s nice isn’t it, but it’s better when it looks like it’s moving.”  She says, then starts smiling, guess I might’ve had a confused look on my face.

She walks to the edge. I get even more confused. Then she falls forwards. I take a few steps forward knowing I wouldn’t be able to do anything. After about thirty seconds of wondering what just happened and why, Evelyn reappears but with her black feathered wings.

“Well aren’t you nice.” I say sarcastically.

She flies back onto the ground, and retracts her wings.

“Yeah, very. Okay your turn.” Eve says.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” I say.

“Just think as if you’re a crow.” She says.

“Why a crow?” I ask.

“Because they have wings and it seems fitting for you.” She replies.

“Oh okay.” I say, still deciding if that was supposed to be an insult.

This shouldn’t be hard at all, all I have to do is imagine wings on my back, the only thing I don’t know what to do is how to move them, since I’ve never actually had to learn how to use a new body part. After standing and thinking how I’d look personally with wings black smoke appears and there’s a tingly feeling in my back. I look back to see my wings but all I see is grimy black rods or something like that. I look at Evelyn.

“What’s with this? Your wings don’t look like this.” I ask wondering what’s going on.

Eve walks around be while staring at my “wings”.

“No one’s wings look like this. Those are bones, no feathers, no skin, and no fur. Just bones.” She says, still staring at them.

“Try flying with it.” She says, curiously.

“I don’t know how.” I say, even though she should’ve already known that.

She stops focusing on the wings and focuses more on how to teach something like this.

“Keep on thinking as if you had a crow wings… Just with a bit more force.” She says.

I did and they started moving as if they we’re normal wings. Evelyn must be getting too curious because right after that she told me to jump of the edge. I might as well do it, not like I can die, again or can I?

“Hey Eve, is it pos-“She pushed me. In the middle of my question she pushed me.

 After some free falling trying to gain a steady position I start to move my wings, looking over my shoulder checking if I’m even moving it right, Although these wings working is physically impossible. That’s when it started working, somehow these skeletal wings stopped me from falling and currently getting me back to the top of the mountain. I get to the top of the mountain and land, or you could say crash into a tree. I got out of the tree, then looked at Evelyn for an explanation.

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