Chapter 6 - Connor Garett

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She snaps her fingers.

“Black magic.” She says jokingly.

“Ha, I see what you did there. Black because of the wings… Yeah, no seriously what is going on?” I say.

“I don’t know but keep working on flying with them, we spent a lot of time here. We got to get you registered.” She says.

“Okay” I say.

After thirty minutes to an hour I get a good grasp of what I’m doing. Still clueless on how it works though. So Eve and I head to the admission hall. Where there’s hundreds of people sitting, standing, and floating… We Sit down and forms appear in our laps, I got a registration form, Eve got a partner form. I fill out mine.

"Hey. Do I have a middle name?" I ask. Didn't really expect to ever have to ask that.

"Yeah. Its Eirik. Spelled E I R I K." She says, yawning right after she said yeah.

   Name: Valdis Eirik Delun

   Death Date: 11/10/16

   Angel Type: Death

   Partner: Evelyn Erysichthon

   Wings: Bone

   Rank: ?


When I finished filling out the form a red question mark appears on the form then the form disappears. I look over at Eve who’s on her phone bored.

“Done.” I say.

She snaps out of her boredom.

“Finally, now we can finally get to the fun but tiring part.” She says.

“I’m already tired, this place is boring.” I say.

“You’ll wake up once you get out of here. This place is like a deathtrap with knockout gas.” She says while yawning, barely understandable.

After getting out of the admission hall I still feel tired, but while following Eve to wherever we’re going I stopped feeling sluggish. After 20 minutes and 2 crowds of people we get to an abandoned high school building.

“I thought we were going to train.” I say.

“We are.” She says.

“Then what are we doing here?” I ask.

“Well with you being a devil candidate and having skeletal wings who knows what magic you’ll have, and I don’t want you to get too popular, without being able to defend yourself.” Eve explains.

“Okay.” I say.

“Well I can’t teach you any spells if you have no mana so you’ll start with a way to gather it.” She says.

“Mana and spells, sounds like a role playing game.” I say.

“Who do you think makes them? So, there’s actually no way to determine how a person gathers their mana.” She says.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” I ask.

“Don’t really know it’s kind of like learning how to use your wings, by imagining it, but this is a bit more unexplainable. So I’ll leave this one to you. Just call me when you’re done.” She says, right before flying off.

“Well aren’t you helpful” I say, but Evelyn is too far to hear me.

Since taking me here and just leaving would be pointless I take my own little tour of the two floors of the abandoned school building, there’s mostly dusty stacked up desks and chairs, broken lockers and windows. While looking around in the staff room I find an open steel door with stairs to the basement, I hear the sound of papers being flipped and writing on the way down the stairs. Once I get to the room I tense up a bit but then I found a tall blonde messy haired dude, at a desk working. It didn’t even look like he noticed I came in until he froze in place.

“Sup?” He says in a normal voice, only glancing over to me.

“Hi.” I respond.

He switches his attention to his laptop, not even wondering why I’m here. So I walk towards his desk.

“What are you doing?” I say awkwardly.

“Searching for your info.” He responds.

“I doubt you’ll find much, I’m new here.” I say.

He rolls over to me in his chair and stands up, towering over me.

“You’re Valdis Eirik Delun a quote unquote angel of death.” He says.

“Quote unquote?” I ask.

“Well Judging by your name, wings, and mysterious rank, I’m in suspicion if you are even an angel. So I’ve restricted your files.” He says.

“Who are you?” I ask.

“Connor Garett, or maybe you’re wondering what am I.” He responds.

‘Nah, not really.” I say.

“Oh. Well then, Evelyn brought you here?” Connor asks, a bit surprised by my disinterest.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” I ask.

“Because I’m your new teacher.” He says, while his eyes glow yellow.

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