Chapter 1

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I get up to the sound of my alarm. Another dreaded day of school. I shift around in my bed, and face my wall, which is a window. It's pouring rain outside. I've always loved the rain. Not loved, liked. I don't love anything anymore, it's like there's a hole in the place where my heart is supposed to be.

"Heather!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. It is strange to hear either one of my parents say my name. I mean nothing to them, and they mean nothing to me. I buy my own things, I make my own food, I pay for my car, I basically do everything that I would be doing if I lived by myself. The only thing they do for me is pay the house bills. Before I get up, I see a piece of paper on my dresser. I decided not to make a big deal about it, so I just get up and go downstairs. Once I get downstairs, I see both of my parents sitting at the table.

"Sweetie, there is something that your father and I need to tell you." My mother tells me.

"Honey, you need to leave the house. You are moving out, today. We hired movers to come and take your stuff once you get home from school today. You will leave as soon as you get home from school." My mom tells me. I am in shock. I mean, I would love to move out as soon as possible, but I don't think that I'm ready yet.

"I'm sorry, what? I can't move out, I'm still a minor. 16 years of age. I can't pay all of my bills. You guys didn't even give me time to look for a house!" I yelled at my parents.

"You can move out, and you are going to. The reason you will be leaving us is very complicated, and you will find out eventually, we just can't tell you now. And you are not living on your own. You're staying with one of our... family friends. Just don't worry about it. Your father and I are in danger, you are in danger. You need to leave as soon as possible." My mother explained. Just as I was about to say something, we heard pounding at our front door.

"You need to leave! Now! Go, run! Pack your bags and leave! I left the address on your dresser! Heather you need to run, and never come back! Do not let anybody know who you are, do not tell anyone your real last name, ok? We love you very much sweetie." My mother said hugging me, and then kissing my forehead, then my father came and did the same. The pounding at the door started again, and then I ran up the stairs and into my room.

"LOCK YOUR DOOR!" My father yelled. I closed the door, and locked it. I grabbed two big suitcases and packed all of my clothes, and any extra things. Just as I was zipping up my suit case, I heard the front being broken open. I quickly put my phone in my pocket, and opened my window, and started climbing down the ladder. I threw my bags down first, and then climbed down the ladder carefully, because it was still raining. Once I got down, I checked my pocket to make sure I had the paper. I grabbed my suitcases and started running to my car. As I was running, I heard the door to my room being opened, and then a few seconds later, I heard yelling, and then two gunshots. I got in my car quickly and drove off as fast as I could. Once I got to a stop sign, I put the address in my gps and started driving again. 8 hours until I reach my destination.

5 hours into the trip, I kept getting notifications on twitter and Instagram from kids at my school saying things like

"Omg, @heatherr isn't at school today. Hope she finally committed"

"@heatherr the reason you aren't at school better be because you're dead"

"@heatherr you finally killed yourself! Thank god!"

These types of comments never bothered me because I was somewhat used to them already. But there would always be that one comment, or comments, that would get to me.

I couldn't help thinking about what happened. My parents actually talking to me, the people, and the gunshots. That can only mean one thing. My parents are dead. I'll never know what just happened, or why.

This all happened 9 hours ago, and I am now pulling into the driveway of this "family friend". These people have a very big house. I waited in my car for a few more minutes waiting for the rain to die down, but it was a waste of time. I took the key out of the ignition, and got my suitcases, and ran to the front door, and knocked on it. A few seconds later a woman with short blond hair, maybe in her early thirties, opened the door.

"Heather!" The woman said, pulling me into a hug.

"Hello..?" I said, but it came out more of a question. We just stood there hugging for a few seconds before she let go and said "Oh, I'm sorry, please, come in." As soon as I walked in, the smell of homemade cookies soothed me.

"I remembered how much you liked chocolate chip cookies. I just pulled them out of the oven." The woman said walking into, what I assumed, the kitchen.

"You can walk around, you know, get to know the house. You'll be here for a while now. Your room is all the way on the third floor. Third room to the right." The woman said. I still don't know her name, and who she is.

"Thank you miss," I said, but pausing, because I didn't know her name.

"Karen" the woman told me.

"Thank you miss.Karen" I repeated, but with her name this time.

"No problem sweetie, but you can't just call me Karen" she said. I just smiled awkwardly at her, and got my bags, and started walking towards the stairs, and then I though of something.

"Hey Karen, um, by any chance, do you know when my furniture is coming in?" I asked her

"Um, I think your mother told me tomorrow." She told me.

"Ok, thank you" I said, and started walking up the stairs.

"Wow, third floor" I said, out of breath, only half way up to the second floor.

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