Travel and arrival

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This story of mine is translated from Spanish into English. Forgive any grammar or punctuation errors, thank you.


Capítulo 1: Travel and arrival

I start writing these notes because my situation is desperate. My name? It doesn't matter. I'll just say I was a base soldier from a country I'd rather not mention at the moment.

Remember those Hollywood movies where they send super-specialized and rigorously trained soldiers into the future through various technological devices? well, that's all false... Sorry, I mean, one thing about all that is false: GI Joe with more training than Yuri Gagarin.

In real life for certain experiments that seem to be drawn from cheap novels, simple soldiers are used who have nothing extraordinary about them, of course no one participates at gunpoint in such nonsense. The volunteer is offered for one week free of charge (after signing a confidentiality document). Believe me, a soldier's life is very hard and you're willing to do anything for a week's vacation.

In short, my person was sent to the future, the XXIII century, or as I prefer to write: the 23rd century.

Did my clothes disappear like they did in the Hollywood movies?

Well, yes and no. You see, it seems that any artificial or biological material that's not alive suffers from time travel. I mean, all my clothes looked like I'd lost the mother of all the wars against moths and the accumulation of lint; my little regulation gun and my knife, rusty; my boots, as if they'd gone through a rubber recycling cycle for the thousandth time.

As for my hair, well, it's not "alive" after all, it's just dead cells that won't stop growing (except on bald people), of course they got a little damaged, let's say a hairdresser or whoever calls the hair care man, would have passed out for sure; the same thing was applied to my eyebrows and eyelashes; body hair? Just as mistreated; and I'm sure you're wondering about my male fur elsewhere... well that's a private matter and I'm not going to share it with anyone, and I don't mean the hairs that come out of my armpits or nose.

How did I find out that "I was no longer in Kansas," easy, I read the headlines. I was up to my neck in the XXIII century, sorry, 23rd century.

Yes, in the future people will continue to use the newspaper (suck on that, news online).

Quiet, quiet, to all environmentalists, I can assure you that no more trees are used to make paper or inks or anything that damages the environment for the production of the newspapers of the future.

Everything is synthetic, in fact, too many things are synthetic... Congratulations ecologists! Oil derivatives are no longer used to make clothes (which well, I will no longer have to worry about "The naked bomb")

Oh sorry, the previous reference was to a good'80s comedy movie. Best time to be a kid.

Good gasoline is no longer used in cars, and all forms of energy generation such as nuclear, wind, solar and other fission do not exist. Even the ones that promised a lot at the beginning of the XXIst century, damn it... 21st century. I am referring to lithium, by bacteria, sugar cane or other biomass, geothermal, etc.

So what is used? Well, the energy of friendship, like in the cartoons of those pretty ponies.

Nah lie, now it's all thanks to the miracle of nuclear fusion. What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion? Well... Hey, I'm not going to tell you everything, do your research on the Internet, don't be lazy!

Anyway, let's go like any other bird: to the grain.

Walking raggedly through the streets of the future I could see with horror that... they were all fucked up... clean. Uh, no, that's not what I meant, sorry, that's the other thing.

Zombis! (and if it's an American who reads this, then it will be: Zombies! OMG)

Yes, yes, it's not a typing error, the English word zombie has an additional "e" in it.

Cog, cog... zombies!

Yeah, George A. Romero's good zombies. The classic slow zombies and not the early 21st century zombies, faster than Usain Bolt and that shine... sorry, those are vampires... heh, yeah, like hell, vampires that shine. As far as I can remember, neither D for Vampire Hunter D nor Alucard for Hellsing shone.

Seriously, in the West you should see more anime and read more manga.

Back to the point. I was surrounded by zombies! Seeing that I had no way out I could have stood still and died, you know, going into shock, but I remembered that movie from the 90s: The Night of the Living Dead. So I pushed them and got out of the jam.

Funny, the state of shock came after I found me safe.

Some hands held me firmly and fortunately these were from normal people (living is understood). Since I was in shock I could not speak and my walking movements were spasmodic. So finding myself in such a sorry state and not forgetting the fact that I was dressed in rags that barely held themselves together, I was mistaken for one more zombie.

No, it's no laughing matter, well it is, though, put it in my shoes (broken shoes, broken shoes, with that face Where are you going?)

Ah, what good songs of the 70s, but anyway, enough with songs from my father's time... old my dear old man....

Enough of Piero's songs and other remembrances, the matter here is serious!

Unknown people took me to a place that wasn't far away, so we went on foot, it was a building with a contemporary architecture, in fact all the buildings were... it seemed to be in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil... No, Rio de Janeiro, it's not the capital of Brazil, nor King Pele, it's the ruler of that country, damn it.


A zombie in the 23rd century (completed 11/11)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя