The Last Thing I Ever Wanted-- Unfortunate Accident

Start from the beginning

I finally managed to take off his helmet.

My heart dropped into my stomach; I felt faint.

Derek was the one laying there; not breathing.

I knelt on my knees and squeezed his nose. I took a deep breath then transferred this into his mouth. I didn't know what was wrong with him, but I hoped that CPR would help. Then I pumped his chest, my worry now increasing. I hoped he wouldn't stay unconscious for long.

Police sirens suddenly rang loud in my ears; although it took me a while to figure out what they were. I was so discoriented all I could see was Derek in front of me. Footsteps were pounding. Strong arms pried me away from Derek; even though I fought as hard I could.

"Can I please go with him to the hospital?" i asked the paramedic, secretly wondering how I had gotten on my feet and how I had managed to compose myself long enought to ask this question. "Sure, hop in. You are the one who called this to our attention.'' she replied. As the paramedics sped to the hospital, I held Derek's hand constantly.I called my mom and told her the situtation. I even dug Derek's phone out from his pocket of his leather jacket to find a contact for his parents; I was so worried.


When we got to the hospital, I had nearly worn myself out with worry. I leaned against the wall in the hospital waiting room. My mom and another lady who looked like the girl version of Derek came running in. When they spotted me, they grabbed me and commended me, chastised me all in one moment. I learned that the lady was Derek's mother.

After Mrs. Mitchell listened to my story, she said, "Thank you for saving my son, Jade. Would you please do me the honor of helping me take care of him?" I'll be on a business trip in Rio for two weeks. If you could drop by his house for a while and help me out I would really appreciate it."

How could I say no to this lady? She seemed so nice, and her eyes were wet with tears.

"Ok." I said. She gave me a big hug and even offered to buy me coffee. We were invovled in a nice conversation for a few minutes when I noticed although she preferred to be called Mrs. Mitchell, she didn't wear a wedding ring. "Mrs. Mitchell, may I ask what happened to Derek's father?" I asked, curious. Mrs. Mitchell hid her face and she grew very quiet. Realizing that something horrible must have happened to him; my conscious bit me in the butt.

"Oh my God!! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to pry." I said.

"it's fine. Speaking of, I forgot to give you this." She slipped two cold, hard pieces of metal into my palm and pushed my fingers down over it.

Then she invited my mom to eat with her in the cafeteria. I stared at the things she gave to me. There was a house key and a necklace with a huge emblem on it. It looked really old, like it had been around for centuries. I put them in my bag and decided to see how Derek was doing. He was sleeping. I sat on a stool next to him and started singing him this Spanish lullaby I learned a few years ago. The good thing about watching him was that he was no longer unconscious; just sleeping, and that put my heart at ease.

Suddenly, I heard a shrill cry of: "NOOO!! IS HE DEAD??!" from directly outside the room. My hand let go of Derek's immediately to see what was going on. Or at least I tried to. His grip tightened as soon as I tried to pull away, which told me that even though his eyes were closed he was well aware of what was going on around him.

"So this is the skank." I heard a familiar voice say from the door. I looked up from my struggle with Derek's hand to see Lexi standing there. She glared me down, trying to make me feel second rate in my off the shoulder top, skinny jeans, and Zebra patterned Doc Martens.

(My mom bought me a change of shoes because my latte had ruined my boots). 

But then again, if your boyfriend were in danger, would it be of any greater stature(of common sense or urgency) to come to a hospital wearing four inch stilettos, a mini skirt that stopped (literally) an inch farther than her butt, and a barely there cami which totally exposed cheetah print bra straps?

"Excuse me?" I asked, putting my hand that wasn't held by Derek's on my hip.

"You heard me. I warned you about Derek, you know. Did you really think that stalking him is going to get him to like you? Well dream on. Because there is NO way you could've learned about his accident before me." she replied, amping up her death glare to full on laser mode.

"first of all, I was there when his accident occured so I saw the whole thing. Second, I rode with him in the ambulance all the way here. Futhermore, what makes you think that just because I was helping him out, that means I'm in love with him or something? Newsflash, Lexi. This isn't Hollywood. Everything isn't always cut-throat and gossipy. I'm not trying to get back at you. Sometimes people do things because they're trying to be nice. Or save your boyfriend's life, in this case." I replied, standing my ground.

I could see the falter in her face. "Whatever. Don't think I don't know your little game. You're just a good-for-nothing tramp trying to ruin my relationship." she said.

I scoffed. "Paranoid much? What person in their right mind actually thinks like you? Crazy and paranoid about every little thing; thereby pushing people away. hey, for all we know, this accident could've been your fault!" I replied, knowing I had hit her where it hurt.

Her eyes widened in rage. She stalked over and slapped me hard in the face. "How dare you blame this on me? Me of all people??! Now I'm SURE you're not right for him. And if you don't stay away from my boyfriend---"

"Then what?" Derek croaked softly. I rubbed my cheek and whirled around to look at him, astonished. He looked very weak, but he was awake and he was apparently hearing everything Lexi and I were saying. But Lexi was too preoccupied with Derek to continue threatening me right away. "Sweetie! You're awake!" Lexi shouted, running over and prying our hands apart.

He crooned his neck away from her kisses as far as he possibly could. "What were you going to threaten Jade with?" he asked. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Honey, focus on your health. My little girl talk with Jade is none of her concern. I'll go get the doctor and tell him you've woken up." she stalked out of the room. I sank in a cushioned chair and buried my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry." derek's now croaky voice broke the silence. I raised my head. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It's ok." I said. He murmured something else under his breath but his words were incoherent except for "angel."

"what?" I asked.

He smirked. "it's just that I thought....for a second...." he kept faltering so I couldn't understand what he was saying. The doctor knocked on the door so he could get our attention. "Miss Martinez? Can you please follow me outside to discuss Mr. Mitchell's medical progress?" he asked, raising a file. "I'll be right back." I smiled at Derek. He nodded and eased back against his sheets. I shut the door behind me and stood in the doorway. "first let me begin my introducing myself. My name is Dr. Mayer." I held out my hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Mayer. What's up?" I asked. Dr. Mayer seemed a little appalled at my casual frankness, but continued on. "Mr. Mitchell has a broken leg, two fractured ribs, a fractured collarbone and a mild concussion. The concussion wasn't serious only because he was wearing his helmet. However, he'll need to saty 3 more days in the hospital. After that, his ribs will be ok enough to participate in his usual activites. But his ribs won't have a complete recovery until 4 or 5 weeks from now. Same goes for his leg in terms of recovery time, but he'll have to either use a wheelchair or crutches before it heals." I nodded quickly. "Thank you, Dr. Mayer." I said.

I went back into Derek's room and repeated what Dr. Mayer told me. Then I told him his mom wanted me to help take care of him until he was better. He tried to hide his face, but I could've sworn I saw a suggestive smile. I sighed.

This was going to be a long month.

Considering I was going to constantly be in a house taking care of an inured guy that liked me or was just playing me; I needed to prepare myself. 

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