The Last Thing I Ever Wanted-- Unfortunate Accident

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The song on the side is only meant to be played for the accident, but if you readers wish you can play it throughout. Enjoy the chapter!

Derek's P.O.V

After rehearsal and unsuccessfully trying to locate Jade, I hopped on my motorcycle and sped to Lexi's house. I stopped in Lexi's driveway, and as I was taking off my helmet, a random thought about Jade popped into my head. "No...." I whispered, shaking my head violently. I carried my helmet with me to the door, and pounded on it.

As soon as she saw me, Lexi's face brightened. "Oh, you came for me! I knew you wouldn't forget about me!" she gushed."Lexi. The school is 45 minutes away. I didn't search the ends of the Earth for you because I knew you'd be home." I pushed past her inside, and, noticing the frown on her face, tried to lighten the situation. "We have caller ID now, so it's that much easier." I said with a shrug. She smiled and led me over to the couch. Signal for forgiveness and reward, if you know what I mean.

We sat down and she leaned in to kiss me. Her tongue begged for entrance, but I wouldn't grant it. I wasn't trying to torture her or anything; it was just that this kiss felt too forced, as if she was trying to eat me alive or something. I just wasn't in the mood for that today. Not after that nice, sweet kiss I just had with Jade. Not that that kiss counted for anything, since it was just a stage kiss.

But still.

She pushed me away and caused me to lose my balance, sending me crashing into the couch.

"Hey! What was that for?" I demanded loudly.

"What's wrong with you? Did you forget how to kiss all of a sudden?" she retorted.

"You should be happy I don't jam my tongue down your throat like mot jerks do."I said, staring at her in confusion.

"When a girl wants entrance, you should grant it to her." Lexi said, as if it obvious, and/or the law(take your pick). I raised my eyebrows.

"Since when do you think you can tell me what to do?" I asked, my hands forming to fists at my sides(even though I had no intention of hurting her).

"Since you think it's ok to ditch me and then not kiss properly." she replied. I reached up and rubbed my temples, already exasperated.

"I didn't ditch you, I went to play rehearal. And it's not my fault it ran so long either so you can find someone else to blame. Just do you know, kissing is a two person activity. I can't bend to your needs all the time." I stormed out of her house and slammed the door.

I didn't want to discuss anything further with Lexi right now. That girl really pisses me off. I jumped on my motorcycle and went to the place I always went when I was angry. I sped down the street into waiting traffic.

Jade's P.O.V

Rehearsal was brutal. Not the acting part of course, but Derek. Who kisses another girl when they have a girlfriend? He was such a player. Why was he trying to get into my head? Did he like me or did he just need someone to toy with in case he got tired of Lexi? I walked into Dunkin' Donuts and ordered two donuts with an iced french vanilla latte. I trdged down the block, sipping dejectedly on my coffee.

Suddenly, I heard the loud but deep whir of a motorcycle engine. I turned around anxiously to see a mototrcycle swerve dangerously to the side of the road. The motorcyle bumped heads with an 18-wheeler. The motorcycle driver went flying until he landed right in front of me on the street. My coffee slipped from my fingers and dropped to the floor; slathering whipped cream and caramel drizzle onto my boots. I ran to the boy who wa laying unconscious. His helemt was still on so I couldn't see his face. After struggling with it for a few seconds, I whipped out my cell and called 911. By this time, a small crowd of spectators were surrounding us; most of them talking pictures, a few just standing in awe, but none helped.

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