Chapter 4

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There was an uneasy silence as they took in the information.

The man, seeing them thinking, nodded his head is satisfaction and announced,

"You will recieve two hours to make your choice. You can choose to stay, or to go back to your lives. If you choose to go back to your original lives, you will forget everything that happened here."

Seeing the questioning looks, he chuckled again.

"We have our ways of mind washing."

He started to leave, when Kiara asked suddenly,

"Just like that? There's no catch? You're not going to drag us here again or kill us in our sleep?"

The robed figure turned back around, and said softly,

"There's no catch."

Then he walked out the door, the others filing out silently behind him, and the door slowly creaked shut behind them.

"Well? What do you think?" Ryan asked impatiently, immediately cutting to the chase.

Luke remained silent, and Kiara just shrugged. She slowly walked toward the wall away from the door, leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, and slowly slid down.

Luke took long strides and leaned on the opposite side of the wall she was on. He too closed his eyes, thinking.

Unable to stand the suspense, Ryan went and plopped down next to Kiara and stuck out his hand.

"Hi. I know we haven't been on the best of terms lately, but in light what we've been through together today, I would like to renew our acquaintance. Hello. My name is Ryan. What's yours?"

Seeing Kiara ignore him, he got up, frustrated, and hopped on over to Luke.

"Hi..." he waved his hand in front of Luke's face.

Getting no reaction, he glared at the both of them and went off angrily to find his own little corner, muttering all the while of insolent pieces of poop who only knew how to listen to thoughts in their own tiny brains and couldn't talk to save their lives.

He dropped down next to the wall in a corner opposite of them, sat down, and sulked.

He was shaken out of his dream of delicious sundaes by a knock on the head.

"Who? What? Who died..."

Seeing it was Kiara, he glared at her and got up.

"What NOW?"

She rolled her eyes and said impatiently,

"Luke and I have been discussing ideas."

"WITHOUT me?!?"

"Well, someone was sleeping..." she looked at him like he was an idiot.

Ryan got up and stalked over to where Luke was sitting.

"Fine." he huffed, "I'm ready to discuss."

"Ok." Kiara sat down and started, "I've decided that I'm going to stay and figure out what's happening. What about you guys?"

"I'm coming to!" Ryan jumped up and shouted. Then he sat back down again.

Kiara looked at her watch and announced,

"We have 15 minutes to make our decision."

She then turned to Luke.

"I'm in." he said coldly.

"So that makes the three of us." Kiara said slowly, "But we've been thinking, and we're pretty sure we're not the only ones who were captured. There are probably more of 'us', if you get what I mean." she said to Ryan.

He mulled it over.

"That sounds about right."

But then he went back to being childish.

"So what powers do you think I have?" he asked, pulling out a karate move.

"The power of stupidity. You'll shock them to death with your dumbness." she rolled her eyes again.

He roared and tried to choke her with his arm, and she struggled, punching him in the guts. Coughing and letting go, he was about to go back for another round, and Luke's voice cut in again.

"Can you two think of anything else besides fighting?"

Ryan ignored him and continued to try to strangle Kiara, and Kiara was laughing uncontrollably, which only managed to make him even more mad.

Luke just sighed and closed his eyes, ignoring them.

Ryan was in the middle of a strangle-hold when the door started creaking open again.

He immediately got off of her, and stood up. Kiara did the same, her face going red with laughter. He glared at her, but she was busy trying to stop laughing, and didn't notice him.

As soon as the black cloaked figure walked inside once more, followed by his loyal servants, Kiara and Ryan sobered and stood together with Luke, who had joined them, banded against the robed figure.

"So have you made your decision?" he rasped.

"I'm in." Kiara said steadily with a nod.

"Me too." Ryan said, unusually serious.

"I'm with them." Luke replied coldly.

"Good." the figure chuckled, "Good."

"Your training will commence tomorrow at 0400 hours."

Then he swept out of the room again, leaving Kiara to shout at his back.

"4:00 in the MORNING?!? Are you CRAZY?!? Who wakes up at 4:00 in the MORNING?!?"

"Pipe down." Ryan complained, covering his ears. His eardrums were sure to break. That girl's voice volume sure wasn't a joke.

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