Chapter 1

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It's a third comedy, a third romance, a third teen. What can I say? I'm just that talented XD jkjk :) It's just a lighthearted story that I wrote like...a year ago.


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Hate him, He's okay, and suddenly we all have superpowers?!?



Kiara pointed at the guy coming towards them.

"Watch me kick his butt." she giggle-whispered to her best friend, Akila.

This is going to be sooo fun. She hated people who put on airs and acted as if they were better than everyone else. Ryan Fierre would definitely belong in that group.

As he walked near, she quickly took a huge bite out of the watermelon slice on her lunch tray. She spit the seeds high into the air and tapped him on the shoulder just as he strolled by. Seeing the seeds falling rapidly toward his head, she pointed her finer up at the ceiling without saying a word.

He looked up to have watermelon seeds bounce off his face. She started laughing, but then quickly smothered her giggle as he lowered his head and glared at her, his eyes growing as cold and steely as daggers as his hands clenched into fists.

Trying not to laugh too hard, she sniggerd, "Indian much?" for a stubborn seed had pinned itself to his forehead and refused to budge, even as its brothers and sisters plinked to the floor.

He raised his fist as if he were going to strike her, his face contorted with rage, but then he seemed to think better of it.

"What an elementary trick." he scoffed, "But don't think this is over, Kiara. It's just the beginning."

He started to walk away, then paused, and turned back around to face her.

"Oh, and don't worry. Normally I ignore people who pull amateur stunts, but I'll make an exception for you."

Then he walked through the cafeteria doors and waved his hand back at them without turning, while Kiara seethed with anger.

How did he manage to do that anyway? It wasn't fair. He always managed to act so cool. It was like he had a wall of fire around him. No one dared to get too close, for fear of being scorched. But when she pierced the fire and got him beyond infuriated, it was ice underneath. Glinting, rock hard ice. It was infuriating.

Meanwhile, Akila was secretly smiling. She bent her head over her tray so no one would see her grin. They made such a great pair. They were all ice and fire. Or more precisely, they were water and fire. She never usually liked arguments, but she had a feeling this was going to get a lot more interesting.

"So...Akila. Why were you smiling?" Kiara asked, her eyes big and innocent. Nothing escaped her eyes, and Akila's smile was no different.

Akila gave a start. When she used that expression, it always meant trouble.

"Nothing. It was just a joke that I remembered from before."

"Does that mean you weren't watching my fantabulous trick?" She stuck out her lower lip and pouted.

"Of course I was watching. I was thinking how well you two fit..."

Oops. She slapped her hand over her mouth.

Kiara batted her eyelashes and continued her questioning.

"Were you going to say something about me and Ryan?" and suddenly, her face became red with anger.

"Well, just to let you know, I don't like him at all. He's a spoiled obnoxious brat and some day I'm going to get my revenge." She stated hotly.

She couldn't believe it! Akila, her best friend since first grade, wasn't on her side! Switching tactics, she pretended to be made at her and flung her head to the other side. Unfortunately, they were standing in the middle of the hallway, and it was rush hour.

Her elbow accidentally bumped into a person's arm and he dropped his books. She quickly apologized and bent to retrieve them. Handing back the books, she froze. It was Luke, the ice prince.

With midnight-black hair, high angular cheekbones, a lithe body, and piercing gray eyes, he was well known and Jennoa high school, and had been crowned the "prince of Jennoa High" for three years in a row, beating out all other competitors by at least 50 votes each time.

He was aways dressed in black from head to toe, and he was extremely rugged and handsome, but he was distant and cool, hence the name the "ice" prince.

She handed back his books and quickly stood, nervously fingering her brown, wavy, sun-streaked hair, which was bound loosely in a ponytail. Luke was notoriously famous for his cold cutting comments on fashion.

As far as she knew, he wasn't going to be a fashion designer and he had given comments to less than twenty girls in Jennoa High, but when he did give a comment, you can be sure that people followed his advice.

His gaze swept across her, and she bit her lip, resisting the urge to run screaming as fast as she could down the hallway.

"Your clothes are a bit..."

He trailed off, and walked away. She froze, unable to move. How was she able to follow his advice if she didn't know what was wrong? Not listening meant a certain death. Turning around to face Akila, she asked,

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

Akila only shook her head. She couldn't believe it. Luke had given Kiara a suggestion. True, he didn't finish the sentence, and it didn't seem like a suggestion, but he never talked much anyway. He saved his words like gold, and the teachers were afriad to cross him, since his grandfather was one of the founders of the school, and his father made huge donations to the school every year.

"Akila..." Kiara begged, "All those girls are going to rip me apart. You know how they are. I can't follow his advice, and there were at least thrity girls listening in. Would you really stand be and watch while they tear me to pieces?"

Akila turned towards her, pity in her eyes.

"Sorry, Kiki. I can't help you. I don't know what he meant either."

She really did feel for Kiara deep down inside, because she had seen what happened to people who didn't listen to Luke. Almost all the girls at the high school worshipped the ground he stood on, and anyone who didn't listen to any of his sacred commands would be the enemy.

Once, a girl had been told to change her hair, but she came back the next day with the same hairstyle. The other girls had tortured her mercilessly. Once, they had even dumped water all over her. She couldn't stand the torture anymore, and she had moved away.

Just then the beel rang, and they flew toward their classroom. Kiara secretly chided herself. How could she be so dumb? She totally forgot about the bell, which pretty much ruled her school life.

She slid into her seat and took out her books, sneaking a peek at the teacher. Uh oh. He looked really mad. Boy was she in for it now.

And unsurprisingly, after glaring at her for at least thirty seconds, his wobbly chin quivered and his beady little eyes narrowed even further behind his thick glasses, giving him the appearance of a huge, over-sized pig.

"Ms. Aurera, would you care to explain why you are late?"

He peered over his glasses to frown at her.

"Umm..." Kiara scrambled to find an excuse, "I was in the restroom?"

"Nice try!" he barked, and his chins quivered furiously, "OUT! OUT, I say!" he yelled.

She quickly gathered her stuff and high-tailed it out of the room. She closed the door with a soft click and hugging her books tight against her chest, sighed, and leaned back against the wall.

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