Chat Noir and Ladybug were going to surprise Mr. Pigeon, but he accidentally sneezed. 

She darted out to untie Chat's feet before Antibug could come back. 

Adrien had said her designs were amazing - oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh!

Jagged Stone wanted her to design his new album cover? She was honored.

Chat Noir frowned at Mr. Damocles in his owl costume, trying to be a hero.

What? So the forecast news with Stormy Weather had been a recording! 

Chat broke the bubble with his cataclysm and they plummeted fast to the ground. 

Chat kissed her hand.

Chat smiled at her.

She sewed the paw print into the fabric, blushing. She was falling in love with Chat Noir, wasn't she? Oh, no...

She tucked the jacket away. Yes, she would keep this secret to herself. Even Tikki - no one could know she had feelings for him. She would never wear it. 

She gave the cat a treat, and he sprawled out on her chaise. He asked her if she wanted to study with him. She said yes, because she knew chemistry wasn't her best subject. 

Chat Noir grinned as he left, and it hit her right in the heart. They could only ever be friends.

She dug her hands through his hair, and she couldn't think. She wasn't supposed to be doing this. And yet, their lips met. And her body was flush against his, his arm around her and they were kissing and she had to stop, but it just felt so good -

I promise, Mari, he said. I won't kiss you ever again. We can only ever be friends. 


The next morning when she woke up, she didn't know where she was. 


The same thing happened the morning after that.


And the one after that.


And after that.


She awoke again, not knowing herself.

She knew that she was Ladybug, and she had to keep it a secret.

And she knew that she was in love with a boy named Chat Noir.

And Chat Noir was the only person on this earth that she could trust.


I am in love with Chat Noir.


I can only trust Chat Noir.


She sat up, looking around. She was in a hospital room? She didn't remember ever falling asleep there - 

Oh, gosh - what was her name? She didn't remember!

Her breaths came fast, and suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder. She relaxed immediately.

It was Chat Noir. Something told her she could trust Chat Noir. Something whispered in her ear, "He is your soulmate, Marinette. Love him, love him, love him," and the woman's voice didn't stop. It chanted in her head.

He was crying. There were tears in his eyes, slipping over a black mask and sliding down his cheeks. 

Love him, love him -

"Marinette - do you know who I am?"

Love him, love -

"Yes," she whispered. "Chat Noir."

A man stepped closer from where he and a few other people were standing near the door. "What about me, Marinette?" He said. "Who am I?"

"I don't know."

A woman burst into sobs. "Oh, Tom."

Chat Noir placed a hand on her cheek. "Oh, Mari. I don't know what to do. I'm so sorry."

She grabbed his wrist. "Why can't I remember? Why do I only know you?"

Love him, love him -

"Your name is Marinette," said a doctor. "And I have some shocking news for you, but I think we should wait -"

"Tell me, please!"

The doctor sighed. "For a week now, you've woken up with no memories. Every time you go to sleep and wake up, the memories of even the day before were gone, and you have complete amnesia."

"But I know Chat Noir," she said, trying to keep calm. Oh god, what happened to her? What was the reason behind all of this? 

"We don't know why," said the doctor. "And you won't let anyone else touch you besides him." 

Love him, whispered the voice. Love him and free yourself. 

What's going on? 

What is happening to Marinette?

What is that voice?

So the old Marinette IS hiding something - from even herself. Basically, she's denying her love for him and the voice says, "Love him and free yourself," which basically means if she admits her love for him, it will all end. But her unconscious just won't let her, so she's trapped in a loop.

I'm just amazing, aren't I? Yeah, I know. 

~ Victoria

Amnesia [MARICHAT]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora