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hanging out with girls, partying all night, and having one night stands with random girls. yet, he still feels empty without... her.

He blames himself everything, saying he was so dumb for doing those things to her. she did nothing but good to him. Even if he had a trashy attitude, she accepted him for who he was, but he was too blind to see that.

they were still kids, and he was the one who took her virginity at 15. he knows it himself, he's a fucking bastard. He just took her virginity and dumped her.

if i could only go back... at first... i thought i love her, and then i thought that I was just fond of her. now i realized that i truly love her, that i was not mistaken of my feelings for her when she's already gone, he thought to himself.

he made many mistakes and she forgive for all that. then it came, it was the last straw; she saw him on a bed naked with a random girl beside him.

she cried so much that day, but it was nothing to him. i was really a jerk to her, he thought to himself.

now he could see that she had moved on already. seeing her laugh with her friends and her making many friends. she'd survive anywhere, and me? I can't survive without her, he thought to himself.

Park Chaeyoung, he called her name mentally.

he removed his headphones, and there she is, smiling. she must've moved on from me already, he thought to himself.

he just put his headphones around his neck, and continued to walk to school. he stole a glance at her, and she was looking at him. she quickly turned away and he just continued walking.

she's as beautiful as ever. if i didn't do those things... she might've been still... mine. i broke her. it was all my fault. if i could only go back...

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