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"Today was a very hot day . Joseph ,Rob and I went for soccer practice as it was Friday . The coach sucks . I hate him . I simple cant stand his sight . I hate training even though i play really well . I just joined club because Rob and Joseph forced me to . Its something of a pain in the ass . Today the coach told me to run five rounds of the field, i obviously didn't . He got pissed off and forced me to do forty pushups . I had to or i could've gotten suspended .

I don't want to get suspended for the third time . Suspension is easy to handle but then dads worse . He doesn't understand a thing . He doesn't get how my heart feels . He doesn't want to change . I don't hate him but he forces me to . The last time i got suspended he broke the tv saying its moms fault . He accused her of not raising me well and then dying .Leaving him alone to raise the devil she gave birth to (me) . Whatever .

During lunch i saw Christina sitting with another boy from class . I felt weird , i tried to be open minded though . I didn't approach her so another boy from class did . Simple .

It wasn't that simple . I lied to myself that day . I lied to my diary too . The truth is that i felt really bad , i cried too . I knew it wasn't her fault but i hated her . I . Its simply what i experienced . I loathed her for being a slut . I created a false image of her in my brain. I hate myself for doing that . I cant go back in time but i wish i could . I wish i could rectify my mistakes . Make myself a better person

Today i went to Isabel again (the physiologist). She gave me an assignment to do and I really enjoyed it . I wish i could go to her more frequently . The truth is that i feel calm around her . She makes it so easy for me to handle all these things . I told her about the coach giving me problems . Ive started opening up to her .

I didn't tell her the Christina thing . That i think is too personal . I wish i could tell her . Im sure she knows the way out . Her idea of me writing a diary is really good . I really enjoy writing you ! It gives me great peace .

So have u enjoyed the second chapter ? What do you think about Alex and his attitude . I think he's just a troubled boy trying to fit in .

Do you think forcing himself to go to the club his friends chose is fine ? What would you do , choose what you like or what your friend likes ?

I think I'm going to spice the next chapter up for a little bit fun . Its getting boring , is it ?

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