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For the past thirty-five Lauren has been sitting on her bed watching Dinah pace around and complain about the waitress that flirted with Ally. Lauren has been trying to figure out what exactly happened but for the life of her she just couldn't figure it out.

"DJ what happened exactly?" She asked softly.

Dinah groans "ok so Ally and I were having our usual lunch date at Waffle House because it's Ally's favorite, but this time we didn't get our usual waitress. No this time we go some new girl who was; one extremely rude to me and two way too flirty with my girlfriend," she huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. "At first I ignored it because Ally told me that it wasn't a big deal and obviously she wasn't interested because she's dating me. So I let it go." She paused for a second. "Well that was until that bitch had the audacity to give Ally her number," she shook her head in disbelief. "So I took her number and tore it up and told her that Ally wasn't interested. So she asked me who are you? To which I respond with I'm her girlfriend. Even that didn't get her to leave Ally alone," she huffed "long story short Ally and I got into a huge fight because she thought I was being 'too harsh'." She scuffs as she finished her story.

Lauren nods "D you're probably going to hate me for this, but I think you should really go talk to Ally." She said. Dinah gave her a look like she was crazy. "No way! I'm not going to talk to her because I wasn't in the wrong." She argues. "And I get that but maybe taking it out will be good for you guys." Lauren said. Dinah rolled her eyes but reluctantly agreed to go talk to Ally.

Walking inside her dorm room Dinah sighed when she saw Ally curled up in a ball on their bed. Now she feels bad. "Smalls are you ok?" She asked softly. Ally just sniffles "no! Because I know that you hate me now!" She cried out. Dinah frowned "baby I don't hate you. I hate that waitress for trying to make a move on you when we were clearly on a date." She says.

Ally turned to look at her. "But I wasn't even interested in her so I'm not understanding why you're so mad over a number." She exclaimed. Dinah huffed "I'm mad because I'm scared that you'll find someone better than me and you'll leave me for them." She admitted tearfully. "I'm scared that you'll realize that I'm no good for you and you can do way better than me."

Hearing the insecurity in her lover's voice made Ally's heart break. "Baby I'm not going to leave you. Dinah I'm in love with you and not even the richest man or woman in the world could make me change my mind. You're the perfect I can see myself spending the rest of my life with. You're my end game Dinah Jane." She said truthfully. Dinah grins at her as she gently pecked her lips. "And you're my end game Ally Brooke."


Normani was heading towards her last class when she heard her name being called. Turning around she spotted a boy from a class she had. "Uh hey Arin what's up?" She asked carefully. Arin smiled at her "hey Normani I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me today after school?" He asked. Normani shook her head "I can't. I have plans."

"Great I'll pick you up-wait what?" He asked.

Normani rolled her eyes "I'm busy." She said. Arin chuckles "so whatever it is I'm pretty sure it can wait. Let's go have some fun." He said with a smirk as her placed his hands on her waist. Normani huffs as she steps out of his hold. "I can't. I promised Lauren I would hang out with her and her mom." She said. Arin scuffs "you're still chasing after that freak?" He shook his head. "Normani you can do better than that basket case you're chasing after. You should want someone who can take care of you and tend to your needs, not the other way around." He argues.

Normani raised an eyebrow at him "one she's not a basket case, she's pretty fucking amazing and two why would I chase after you when I already have the most amazing girl by my side." She said. "All I'm saying is she's going to break your heart." Arin defended. Normani scuffs "no she's not. You don't know her enough to say something like that." She said. Arin rolls his eyes "whatever. Call me when you're done chasing after crazy girl." He said as he gives Normani his number and walked off. Normani shook her head as she rips it up. "Don't count on it."

When Petals Turn In To Roses • LaurmaniWhere stories live. Discover now