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After her talk with Clara, Normani decided to head back to Lauren's dorm room to talk to her. Taking a deep she raised her fist and knocked twice. To her unfortunate surprise Lucy answered the door with nothing but her bra and underwear. "What do you want?" Lucy asked rudely. Normani frowned at her. "Is Lauren here? I need to speak to her." She said.

Lucy smirks "she was, but she left to get snacks for our movie night." She brags. Normani sighs "well when you see her can you please tell her that I want to talk to her." She said. Lucy scuffs "why would I do that? I mean you broke her heart. You missed your chance. It's my turn now and I promise I won't mess up." She said.

Normani glared at her. "I didn't break her heart! And I don't plan on doing so. I love Lauren! I'm in love with her and I am not going to let you ruin it!" She hissed. Lucy laughed "I'm not ruining anything! Nor-whatever-your-name-is you have to understand that your chance to be with Lauren is over! We have been friends for years. She loves me! She just needs to get over you and that won't be hard since she never even loved you." She said. Normani was close to punching this girl in her face, but she held her composure. "Lucy I don't care about your little threats. I'm still going to fight for Lauren and there's nothing you can do to stop me from being with the girl I love." She said as she turns to walk away.

"If she loves you so much then why did she have sex with me last night." Lucy says.

Normani turned and looked at her. "Excuse me?" Lucy smirks "last night Lauren was overly upset about something and she asked me to come over. I did. When I got here she was a mess! She was crying and just so heartbroken. So I decided to comfort her the best way I could. She didn't reject me." She brags. Normani could feel her heart breaking at what Lucy was telling her. Would Lauren be that upset enough to sleep with Lucy of all people? She wouldn't do that, would she?


For the past forty-five minutes Lauren has been procrastinating her talk with Normani, but she couldn't keep pushing it back. She needs to talk to the girl. Walking up the stairs she was quiet surprised to see not only Normani standing by her door, but Lucy as well. "Mani what are you doing here?" She asked.

Normani gave her a small grin. "I wanted to talk to you about the other day." She said quietly. Lauren nodded before turning to Lucy. "Can you leave." She demanded more than asked. Lucy scuffs "why do I have to leave? I'm your best friend!" She argued angrily. "You have to leave because this is a conversation between Mani and I. We really don't need you interfering." Lauren spoke coldly. Seeing how distant Lauren was being towards her broke Lucy's heart. She hated how the girl was pushing her away. "Fine. I leave. But remember Lauren that girl will never be able to give you what I can. I hope you know you're making a huge mistake." She spat before quickly running down the stairs.

Lauren sighs but ignores Lucy's words as she walks into her dorm with Normani right behind her. "So what did you want to talk about?" She asked. Normani fiddled with her fingers as she paced around the room. "I just want to know why you ran away right after you said that you loved me? Did you not mean it? Was it a mistake? I just don't get why you left me." She said sadly.

Hearing the hurt in the girl's voice made Lauren feel terrible. "Mani me telling you I love wasn't a mistake. I do love you, but I'm still scared. I'm scared that you'll see what a fucked up person I am and leave me for someone better. I mean I wouldn't blame you! You're amazing, wonderful, fantastic person who could do so much better than someone like me." She said sadly. "I love you Mani but I'm scared to lose you."

This was the first time Normani actually saw how scared Lauren was and if she was being honest she felt bad. She felt bad because Lauren really did have trust issues when it came to loving or falling in love with someone. She needed to fix this.

Stepping towards the girl Normani gentle cups her face and kissed her passionately. She was going to show Lauren just how in love with her she really was. She understood Lauren's fears, but Normani wanted her to know that she has nothing to be afraid of. Nor matter what Normani was going to catch her. She was in love with the girl after all.


Lauren never thought that she would get to the point in her life where she could finally say that she was in love. Growing up she never thought that it would be possible for her to find love because she was always told that she was worthless and pathetic, that no one would ever love her. So eventually she just gave up, but the minute she met Normani something in her change. She wanted the girl to love her so badly. There was something about Normani that made her heart flutter uncomfortablely whenever the girl was around her. She knew that Normani was the one for her.

"What's on your mind babe?" Normani asked.

Lauren smiled slightly as she played with Normani's fingers. "Before I met you I honestly didn't think I would find love. Yeah I had a few boyfriends and girlfriends but I knew none of them would last long term. But the moment I met you I just I knew. I knew you were the one and I'm just so happy to have you Mani. Like you have no idea how happy you make." She said.

Normani gently kissed her forehead as she held Lauren close to her. "I love you Lauren. I love you so much." She whispered softly as she looks in the girl's beautiful green eyes. Lauren smiled as she gently moved Normani's hair out of her face. "And I love you baby. So much."

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