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WEDNESDAY, The Coffee Story

"Good afternoon miss! Can I help you?" the waiter greeted Exy as she enters the café.

"Umm, yes. Can we have the private room upstairs?"

"Oh of course miss. It hasn't been reserved yet." he walked to the cashier and took some menu book. "For how many person, miss?"


He handed the menu book to her "Thank you. Oh and if the other two come and looking for 'Exy', that would be me. Thank you, again." She smiled and walked to the room.


"Hey! Exy !" Mark entered the room and greeted Exy who was sitting alone in the room with a notebook and a pen in front of her on the table.

"Oh hey Mark! Nice to meet you!" she stood up and bowed to him.

"Nice to meet you too!" They shook hands and Mark took a seat across her. "Where's your friend?"

"Umm.. he's kinda busy so maybe he's late. Always like that by the way.. sorry for that" she apologized to him.

"Oh it's alright I don't have anything to do today so I'm free, no need to hurry" Mark smiled as he took off his jacket and put it on the back.

"Yeah the problem is he has to go somewhere else before 7.30 so if he's late, we won't have enough time.. hhhh" she sighed rubbing her thighs nervously.

Not long, the person they've been waiting for was finally there, again, with a hat and mask.

"hey sorry I'm late"

"Fifteen minutes late and you'r so dead!" she was half shouting.

"It's okay Exy. I'm free, remember?" Mark was feeling a bit sorry for her friend.

"I said I'm sorry" he said as he took off his jacket and mask.

"OH! Jooheon?? WAIT , your friend is Jooheon??" Mark was shocked seeing the person sitting opposite him was Lee Jooheon.

"Yes, I'm Jooheon. How do you do?" Jooheon shook hands with him.

"Okay let's start the-" Exy was cut off by Mark who suddenly ask

"Didn't you have to attend the MMA tonight?"

"Ah.. yes actually I-"

"LETS.. Let's start the interview shall we?"



After the interview done and Jooheon had left, Mark and Exy had a short conversation while tidying up.

"You don't seem to be close to him" Mark guessed.

"Well, we are not close. Just because of the project thing, I have to act close. What I mean by act is like.. acting. Act. I don't like his personality to be honest. He's annoying. Veerrryy annoying. Try to live with him for a day and I bet you won't survive. You'll end up jumping out of a window."

"Wow. Have you tried that though?"

"What? Jumping out of a window? Yeah multiple times", sounded odd, she corrected "n-not like I lived with him, no, but like every time I'm in the same class with him and he made the attitude"

"Yeah I mean, have you tried living with him?"

"Of course I haven't! That's ridicullous"

"Well, you should try it once" he said as he stood up from his chair.

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