Am I deleting my account?

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Hey guys so I haven't been on wattpad for like a month or so, give or take. There's a few things I want to touch up on and I how you guys read all of it to understand where I'm coming at. I have A LOT of imagines to finish and it's overwhelming. I just got back from a trip that I danced back up for an artist and did a bunch of stuff lately like projects and music videos. It's been really hard for me to catch up. I dont have time to do imagines anymore and it's not that I don't want to because trust me I do but I'm barely able to text my mom full sentences let alone do a whole imagine for over 80 people. I can't even count anymore at this point I'm pretty sure it more then 80 people though. I just want to apologize to all the people the people I said that I will do your imagine. The last thing I want to do is let any of my readers down because you guys are literally the best. This doesn't mean I won't update anymore though. This book would be more of an reaction/prefrence book now because it'll be way easier to update. With that said I also want to get some more disappointing news out the way. Being busy isnt the only reason I will not be able to write imagines anymore . I mean it has been the reason for the past month but its also because I have no inspiration anymore. I really do like prettymuch and I still support them but lately I've been obsessed with BTS for quite some time now. It's been almost a year and it's only gotten worse with time. With their multiple shows they have running, their new music videos, and so much more they want to make sure they're not forgotten and I've certainly am eating it up. I still love prettymuch so much and Zion will always be my boo but yea I just gotta take some time and I'll come back around...hopefully.

In the end I really hope you guys understand with working and the industry and the lack of inspiration it's hard to update. I apologize again for everything and I hope you guys will continue to read the prefrences I update because I will try to do that whenever I have free time.

Stay lovely


pretty much imagines & prefrencesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя