your celebrity crush their jealous of

3.5K 51 33

Brandon: ryan gosling

Edwin: Tom holland

Austin: Cole sprouse

Nick:channing tatum

Zion: Jaden smith


Hey lovely  people! Im finally back and thered a few things I want to talk about.

1. Im finally cured if you guys didnt know I had pneumonia for a while and it sucked sooo bad but im better

2. Thank you guys so much for 100k thats soo crazy I never really thought id get to 100k I legit thought that no one would read it or that not alot of people would read it which I know is stupid because if youve been following me for a while you probably know ive made sucessful book before  that I deleted like 'the inevitable'  and ' school lockdown' but still... wow guys! Thank you so much it really means alot and hopefully it will keep going up from there .

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