pretty much in a heist

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Brandon: the leader and not necessarily the brains don't get me wrong the boy's pretty smart he's just not as smart as Edwin. He's the one that not only makes the plans but puts everyone together.
"Ok listen up guys this is the plan "
Probably the one who needs money the most.

The brains. He's the hacker he hacks into computers, phones, alarms, everything you name it. He's also the one who knows everything when it comes the structure of a house or a building knowing when and where to enter it, the secret doors, the passwords to get through and stuff like that.
Brandon:"Edwin can you hack into this?"

Edwin: *cracks knuckles* "already done"
Also the know it all and sometimes gets on the other boy's nerves

The driver he knows the streets like the back of his hand and is the best get away driver they know. He's loves going fast especially because of the rush it gives him. He's always been hyper as a child and loves cars so any car you give him would be no problem . Well unless it's a bucket "Oh yeah, don't worry. This will do just fine"
Is also the heart of the group.

The one with quite the temper. Will not hesisitate to kill anyone one who's in his away in a blink of an eye. The greedy on that wants the most money but knows he has to share. Can come off as cold or heartless but really is not good with showing emotion and has a dark mysterious past.

Edwin: "I think I got you all figured out. A boy who's mad at the world. Had problems at home so he takes it out on others"

Nick: "you don't know me. Go and hack a computer or something"

Would die for the other boy's but struggles with showing it.

The distraction. Is not only good with people but is loud so naturally a lot of attention is on him. Know how to persuade people into doing things they don't want to do and always playing mind games. Basically the trickster of the group. Has a past of stealing and can steal something from you without you even realizing. Or if you did he'd be long gone

Nick: "stay out of my head or I'll beat you nonexistence"

Zion: "do you really want to do that? Why would you want to heart this face?" *low-key has his wallet already and was just distracting him*

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