Brandon requested

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You gasped as the red haired boy was knocked straight to the ground. "Oh my gosh Brandon!" You say rushing over to help your ex boyfriend up. Brandon socked him in the face. It  didn't just happen either what I thought was a random act of jealousy was something that had been festering up all day.

It all started when Brandon and I went into a cute little coffee shop thinking about trying a new place out. We ended up running into my ex George "Akosua?" I turned around to my named being called, and there it was. The start of something ugly. The day consisted of me basically catching up with him since I haven't seen him in forever. Brandon didn't like it, but what could he do? Then the flirting started happening which you knew but you easily ignored. You went to the bathroom  because nature was calling. No idea as to what was going to happen.

Brandon pov

"Wow she's still got it" George said under his breath,  he didn't expect me to catch it but I did. "Still got what?" I question. Making his eyes grow wide for a second but quickly regaining his cool. "My heart" he smirked thinking it was funny to play with me. "You can keep it. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want it." I say rolling my eyes but it only made him laugh. "Come on! You think bumping into me today was a coincidence?  We've been talking for the past moth dude. She's been trying to find a way to tell you that she's just not that into you anymore" he says so surely. "y-youre lying ! She would never" I was now stuttering. Akosua would never leave me... right? "Dude you just don't know when to give up do you?" He says pushing me. Now I'm not a violent person but he just pushed me way too far. I wasn't thinking and next thing I know George was on the floor and Akosua was helping him up. "Brandon!" She screamed  while giving him her hand to help him. George just gave me a look as if say 'told you' I just walked out leaving her with George since that who she truly wants to be with anyways.

*Back to normal*

After you help George up you notice Brandon walking out so decided to chase after him. "Brandon wait!  WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" you question causing Brandon stop in his track. Turning on his heels to face you bradon responds with. "Why dont you stay with your boyfriend?" With the up most annoyance in his voice. "I am" I was still confused as to what ge was referring to. "Your other boyfriend" brandon says putting emphasis on "other". "Are you talking about george?" I laughed a little at his jealousy. He didnt say anything but you knew that , thats what it was. "I have no feelings what so ever towards george. He cheated on me me wuth some bleached blonde 3 years ago" I say reassuring him. "Buy what abou- youre right that was stupid" he says rubbing the back off his neck. "You wanna go somewhere else?" He asked looking at his shoes from embarressment. "Sure brandon. Anywhere is perfect with you" you say grabbing his hand.

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