prettymuch as you husbands

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•Brandon would be the really thoughtful hopeless romantic husbands
•You don't think he's paying attention but he is
•so when you say you want something thoughtlessly
•It'll end up magically on your bed one day
•the type to forget your birthday but only because he's so busy
•Always makes it up to you later by doing something cute
•Makes songs for you
•Lots and lots of song for you or inspired by you
•Always ask for you opinions on songs
•Really Carr's what you have to say about it
•you're probably the first to hear a song (besides the boys of course)
•Arguments are usually short you guys make up really quick
•But not too much PDA though
• Cute valentines dates or just really cute thought out dates in general
•Loves you unconditionally

•Matching tattoos
•Matching clothes
•Cooks for you
•Sassiest husband ever
•Probably decorates the house because he wants it a specific way
•Lots and lots of skinship
• Wants to show you off
•Brags about you all the time
• "My wife is literally amazing so" 🤷🏽‍♂️
• He's stubborn so you usually have to apologize first of you guys argue
•Apologizes right after because he feels bad
•Date night is scheduled for at least 2 or 3 times a month
• Hard for him to sleep if you're not sleeping with him
• Truly loves you

•Anime/Movie nights every Friday
• Cuddles are a must
• Dorkiest husband ever
•His day is not complete if he hasn't seen your face
• Hates and love when you play in his hair at the same time
• Bubbly
• Cracks the cornerstones jokes that makes you question why you married him sometimes
• realizes that's the exact reason you married him
• He's also big on pda
• lots of cheek kisses
• likes to use cheesy nicknames for you but hated being called cheesy nicknames
• Love you to the ends of the earth

• Cranky in the morning
•also sleeps like a bear in hibernation
• Not a morning person but you're the only person he's sweet to in the mornings
• The boys used to have you wake him up sometimes when they used to love together
• Arguments are heated and last a while
• Could go on for days
• Realizes he messed up ( if it's his fault because it can be the girl's fault too sometimes)
• Tries to make it up for you in the cutest way
• Teaches how to dance and is super patient with you
• Shows you the easiest dance routines
• Basketball dates
• Buys you guys matching sneakers
• not really into PDA though
• Really into forehead kisses though
• Extremely protective
• Loves you unconditionally

• You're in for a wild ride
• The savage couples
• Roast each other more than you roast anyone else
• But also roast a lot of people together
• Also bet protective of you
• When you were bf and gf you would have to steal his hoodies
• Now you have endless amounts of giant hoodies to wear
• Has the tendency to stare at you a lot or "admire you" is what he likes to call it
• Lots of laughs because do you not know him?
• You guys don't argue much because talk through a lot of your problems
• or walk away to calm down and then talk about it later
• When you do argue though it can either be ok or really bad there's no in between
• you guys always make up quickly
• He's into PDA sometimes it honestly depends on the day
• Somedays he's like eehhhh
• other days he's like "THIS IS MY MOTHER FUCKING WIFE!!! Deal wit it"
•When he wants to show you off best believe this boy is gonna will Smith you
*enter meme with will smith showing off jada at the red carpet*
• Grocery shopping a lot together
• He always lets you go to the bathroom first when you two are getting ready cause he knows you will take longer and wants to get it out the way
• plus it gives him more time to sleep in
• Bear hugs and cuddles!
• Loves you with his whole heart

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