"Sorry, mom" he said, staring at the table "But, if you were there, you would know why I said that. You should of seen what she was wearing!"
"That's beside the point, Jacob" my mom snapped, hands on hips.

Oh, full name.
Now she means business. . .

"Sorry" he mumbled.
"Good" she said, and then looked at me "The only part I don't understand is, why did Austin punch Jake for calling you names?"

Ok, so yea my mom's a little too interested in teenage gossip.
Well, actually a little too interested in any gossip. . .

"Well" I said, nervously "Austin is sorta . . . kinda my boyfriend"
I braced myself for an explosion.

Considering how naggish my brothers were on this subject, I expected my mother to be even worse.
But, as usual, she surprised me.

"Oh, well that's nice" she said pleasantly "He's a nice kid, handsome too. I always thought you two would make a cute couple. . ."
Jake and Ken stared at her, mouthes hanging open.

Put that in your juice box and suck it!

"Uh, thanks" I said, getting up "Well, I gotta go. I wanna go see if Austin's alright"
"Okay, have fun, honey" she said, smiling brightly.

Before Jake and Ken could recover, I slipped out the door.
Into the freezing rain.

Son of a bitch. I pulled my hood over my head.
I trudged through the rain to the Kardigan's, wishing I could use my magical powers to make it sunny. . .

I wonder if witches could change the weather.
That would be cool.

I should learn to do real magic, so I can be an actual witch.
Maybe Tora could teach me. . .

It would be so cool to do magic.
To be powerful and intimidating like the other immortals. . .

I looked at my shoes, they were covered in slushy water.
They were gonna be totally trashed.

Luckily, I hadn't worn my new converse. Just a pair of old black running shoes.
If I ruined my new converse my parents would kill me.

Thinking about my parents killing me reminded me how lucky I was that my parents knew nothing of Austin's reputation.
If they did, I would of been in deep shit.

As long as Jake and Ken kept their big mouths shut I'd be good.
But if they didn't, I'd be royally screwed over.

As I approached the Kardigan home I wondered what Austin's parents had thought of the incident from yesterday.
Because, obviously someone had told them.

I scrambled to the front door.
Not bothering to knock, I opened the door.

I headed straight for the kitchen.
A number of the group were gathered.

Mr. Kardigan was arguing with someone on the phone.
I didn't pay close attention to the context though.

Mrs. Kardigan was at the counter. I wonder if she would mind if I call her Hera. . .
She was preparing some kind of liquid mixture with Tora.

Jupiter and Mars were sitting at the table.
They seemed oddly somber. Not exactly depressed but certanly composed.

I didn't have a clue where everybody else was.
But, it was a big house.

Mrs. Kardigan noticed me out of the corner of her eye.
She turned her neck to smile at me.

"Hi, honey" she greeted me "How are you?"
"I'm good" I replied "How's Austin?"

Her face darkened a little, not overwhelmingly. But certainly noticeable.
"He's alright" she said bleakly "His hand's pretty damaged. And, the wood has made him pretty ill, but he should be okay"

Prince Of Blood {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now