Reconstruction - Chapter Five

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We finally made it to Valhalla where the ship that Tex was on, had crashed, being informed by one of the Private's dressed in black of whether or not we could enter or not.

"Sorry Sir, those are my orders. No-one can approach the crash site. You can't come in. Sorry." the Private had told us.

"We need to see that ship. Check our clearance if you need to." Wash informed well practically begged, as I stood there smirking to myself on Wash's tactics.

"I know sir, but, it won't matter. They said I can't let anybody in. Anybody." The private made very clear to us.

"We have order's from Command, Private." I intervened trying to move this along quickly.

"So do I. These came from the Director himself. ...Look, sir, I'd- I'd like to help you, I really would, but this investigation thing... apparently they've started talking to people within the Recovery force. Now everything's getting locked down. You get Command to call me and tell me different, I can let you in. Until then, there's nothing I can do. You can use Red Base if you wanna make some calls. That facility's already been swept." The private told us trying to make it easier for us to understand that we can't come through.

"Fine, I understand," Wash replied, extremely moody, as I could describe it. Not that I would disagree with his sudden mood change.

As we head back to Church and Caboose, Wash lets put a big sigh. "We have a problem." He says to them in his monotone voice.

"I hope it isn't a math problem." Caboose casually said as if it was an ordinary thing to say.

"Caboose no offence, not that you would understand why but just shut the hell up," I said, slightly infuriated by Caboose's childish nonsense.

"They've got the crash site locked down," Wash informed, as he ignored me and Caboose, turning towards Church.

"Oh great. We couldn't have found that out on the radio? We had to walk here?" Church moans in annoyance.

"They said we could use this base if we want." Washington attempted to lighten the mood.

"Wow, the empty concrete base? Is it our birthday?" Sarcasm laced in Church's voice.

"I want cake," Caboose mentioned, making me roll my eyes, turning my head to him in a way to make him shut up.

"Can't we find somewhere nicer to hang out? Hey, maybe there's like a cool nightclub nearby that you can't get us into either. That would be awesome." Church says, continuing to be sarcastic as if that's the only thing he is able to achieve.

"You three just, stay here. I'll go draw off the guards. When I give you the signal, use that grav-lift." Wash orders, once again I roll my eyes.

"You sure you're up for distracting Wash, we both know that I would be better at this." I quickly intervene, making Wash shake his head quickly.

"And yet you're not doing this," Wash said making a move towards the grav-lift.

Looking back and forth between Wash and I a couple of times before saying, "Okay, if you have finished arguing, just hold up a sec. The what? How do we use it?" Referring to the grav-lift, Church said aggressively.

"Just step into it. It'll do the rest. Meet me at the ship." Wash said it as if it was obvious, which it was. It's kind of self-explanatory.

"Okay, what's the signal?" Church asked, before turning around to see that Wash had already left. Bunch of idiots these training soldiers are. "Goddammit, I hate when they do that."

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