Chapter Five - Friendly Fire

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Wash and I are in a fire-fight while South is currently getting used to Delta being in her head.

"South! We need you out here now! Get over here right now, South! Where are you!?" Wash shouted, from a far, while the both of us were still trying to shoot at the enemy. I looked over to South to see that she was a little hazy, well not looking good.

"Keep breathing. Hearing my voice internally can be jarring, at first. I am told it helps clear the mind to concentrate on one thing. May I suggest that you try-" I hear Delta say to South.

"Will you please not talk for a second, that might help!" South replied, trying to focus her vision.

"Technically, I am not talking." Delta said, trying to be a smart-ass as usual.

"Delta. Please!" South asked.

"My apologies." D responded.

"Okay, I'm feeling better." South said, reassuring herself.

"Remember to keep breathing." D reminded.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind. How many enemies?" South replied, questioning what was going on.

"I do not detect any on my sensors. But the gunfire would indicate that we are facing only one. This is an atypical enemy. I can offer no advice." D informed her.

"South, we need you out here now!" I shouted, to get her attention on the enemy.

"I'm on my way!" She replied, making her way over as quickly as possible.

"I have functions that could assist in battle. Would you like me to run the tutorial program?" Delta asked.

"Are you kidding me?" South questioned, as she arrives behind Wash and I at the buildings corner, while we were under fire by the enemy. "Wash, Cali, I'm here."

"Good, we need help on the left. This guy moves fast, so keep your eyes open. South, you okay?" Wash commanded.

"She is experiencing difficulty with my presence." Delta informed us.

"How difficult?" I asked.

"Patient has trouble-" Delta started to say before getting interrupted.

"I'm fine! Let's get this guy." South responded.

"No." Wash said simply, still firing.

"No?" South and I questioned in sync.

"See that ship?" Wash pointed to where South should go, an alien ship was sitting on the edge of an incomplete ramp. "You get to it and take off. Get yourself and more importantly Delta back to base. I'll cover you as best I can."

"Wash, is your armor adequately compensating for your wounds?" Delta stated, informing South and I.

"You're hit?" I questioned.

"Just twice, I'm fine. Movement on twos. On my mark: sync." Wash replied.

"But-" South was about to say.

"Sync!" Wash said a little louder to get South and I to reply.

"Sync!" South and I replied.

"Move!" Wash said as Wash and I mover from cover, South immediately shoot Wash which gets me to turn around as he screams in pain.

"South, what did you do?" I questioned, just before she knocked me out.

"I'm sorry Cali." She told me before I went unconscious.

South's POV

"Alarm! Friendly target, cease fire!" Delta immediately informed me.

"Calm down, just stacking the deck in our favour." I said, moving forward in front of the enemy as he walks out, who is reloading an explosive weapon. "Listen to what I'm about to say, because you have a choice. Wash is dead and so is Cali. I put a timed charge on their body. So if you want their equipment you'd better get it, now. Or, you can come after us, and lose it for sure. So, what's it going to be. Chase us in hopes of beating us? Or go for the sure thing, and find us another day." The enemy growls at her but runs towards Wash and Cali.

"Smart move." I says as I flee, the radio sounds. "Come in Command."

"Hello Recovery Three, what is your status?" Command orders.

"Mission accomplished Command. We were able to draw out the enemy, just as you projected. Sending logs now." I reply.

"Excellent news. We'll use the data to devise a new strategy to combat it. What is the status of Recovery One and Recovery Two?" Command questions.

"KIA. The enemy took them down." I tell them as I get into the ship and slowly fly away.

"Understood. Was Wash and Cali ever aware of your efforts at any time?" Command asked.

"Negative. He acted exactly as the profile predicted. He even set up the encounter." I replied.

"Return to base, we'll rate you for implantation as agreed." Command ordered.

"Negative." I said, disagreeing.

"Say again, Recovery Two?" Command asked.

"Negative. You got what you wanted, and I have my A.I. now. You won't be hearing from me again. Goodbye." I tell them.

"South, you know we have other agents. We will find you, South." Command threatened.

"It's not you I'm worried about." I replied.

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