Reconstruction - Chapter Two

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When we arrived in Blood Gulch, we were standing in front of Blue Base which looked completely abandoned. 'There is literally no one here.' B said.

"Hello? Hello. Anybody here?" Wash shouted, before turning to me. "Right. If there is anybody here, don't let Beta come out. It might freak them out, considering they dealt with another A.I."

"Don't worry Wash, I wasn't planning on it. Maybe you should call command to let them know we have arrived." I suggested.

"Right. Recovery One calling Command. Come in Command." Wash said, turning the radio on, waiting for a reply.

"Go ahead Recovery One, we have you," Command replied.

"We're at Outpost 1-A. Looks deserted." Wash informed them. Literally had no emotion in his voice. Well, neither did South before she stabbed us in the back.

"Roger that. See if you can find any evidence that would suggest where they all might have-" Command started to say before a Yellow Soldier appears from the base interrupting.

"Hey! A-Holes! What's with all the noise? People are trying to sleep here!" She shouts at us.

"Um... Scratch that Command. It appears that we have found someone. Recovery Two out." I tell Command before hanging up.

"Oh Man!" The Yellow Soldier says while descending the ramp.

"Hi. I'm Agent Washington and this is Agent California." Wash says, sounding unenthusiastic.

"This is Blue Base, Correct?" I ask her, calmly as I could. She looked like she has a hangover.

"It was." She states as if it was obvious.

"Was?" Wash questions, both of us looking at each other confused.

"Everybody's gone. Transferred. Something about this base being obsolete now, or, whatever." She explains as if we should know. Which obviously we don't.

"Right. Do you know where they went?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"I don't know." She says, sounding like a teenager who doesn't want to be in the conversation. "All different places. Nobody told me anything."

"Well, we are trying to locate some people who have experience with the Freelancer program," Wash explained to her.

"Freelancer? Is that the band we had here last night." She questioned, god she was an idiot. I'm losing my patience right now.

"You had a party here?" Wash asked as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Wow, you put that together easily didn't ya Wash!" I said sarcastically.

"Really Cali. Anyway yeah, answer the question." Wash replied.

"Yeah! I throw raves every night. Charge five bucks a head. Last night, I made ten bucks. Ooah, ooah! Nice." The Yellow female soldier said as if it was a big achievement.

"Wow, so that was 2 people, at the most that came to a party?" I asked rhetorically.

"Well-" She started to say.

"That was rhetorical, you don't answer," I reply interrupting her before she answers.

"You use the base for raves? That doesn't seem like the proper use for official resources." Wash questioned, stupidly.

"What are you guys? Like a cop or something?" She questions. Great now she thinks we are cops, brilliant Wash.

"No." Wash and I say at the same time.

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