Chapter Four - Hunted

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Wash and I were standing over North and South, Wash had pretended to shoot South in order to save her as Command ordered him to. This way Command wouldn't suspect Wash.

"You're dead now. Remember that." Wash plainly said.

"I don't understand any of this. And my ears are still ringing from that shot you fired" South replied as I helped her up.

"It had to sound good for the radio." I told her.

"One second, I need to talk to somebody." Wash said to us.

"Hello, how may I be of assistance?" Delta asked politely.

"What, is that your A.I.? I thought it killed a-" South started to ramble.

"Pipe down. We don't have time for explanations. Delta, have you been monitoring the situation?" Wash questioned.

"I have." Delta said simply.

"Are we set here? Is she clean?" I asked as Delta turned to reply.

"Can I interpret that to mean is South now off of Command's active register?" Delta questioned.

"Yes." Wash replied.

"Affirmative." Delta responded back.

"W-wh- What register?" South stuttered.

"Instruction: give me thirty on North's clock. Hold on the log." Wash commanded.

"Complying. Completed." Delta replied.

"Now, log to Command and include a similar description of South's termination." I ordered.

"That would be dishonest." Delta replied.

"Yes. It would." Wash responded back.

"Executing. Completed." Delta said.

"Wait a minute, w- how did you get him to lie" South said, completely confused. 

"There's a lot you don't know. We're moving. Delta, storage." Wash commanded.

"Complying..." Delta replied, fading back into the storage.

"Go." Wash ordered.

"No." South stated, not moving at all.

"Excuse me?" Wash questioned, I decided to stay out of this one, probably for the best.

"I am not moving an inch until you tell me what the hell is going on." South stated.

"Fine. Stay here with your brother then. Everyone thinks you're dead anyway. And in fifteen seconds, that will be true." Wash explained.

"Ten seconds." Delta said from out of nowhere.

" No sweat off my back, just one less lie for me to live." Wash said before walking away with me.

"Hh, well... Shit." South replied before coming with us as North body detonates. We had moved on to an area overlooking the sea, South was currently firing at pylons while Wash, Delta, Beta and I were talking.

"I have been monitoring the comm channels." Delta explained.

"Try again. I need you as accurate as possible if you're going to cover me." Wash ordered.

"Still no activity to indicate that Command suspects South is still alive." Beta said, appearing next to me.

"Good. That means we're clear, right Wash." I replied, looking at Wash.

"Yes." He responded.

"As much as you can be. And I would prefer if you did not use the word "we"." Delta stated.

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