Reconstruction - Chapter One

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As we made our way to the room where the Counselor wanted to see us, I could see several large view screens with various displays on them. We stood at the back of the room where we were told a Red Team simulator soldier was to be brought in to see the Counselor. The Counselors face appears on the screen as the Red Soldier is brought in, followed by two other soldiers.

"Thank you, gentleman, would you please excuse us?" The Counselor said kindly, as the two soldiers walked away. "You are Private Walter Henderson, correct?"

"Yes, Sir." Henderson replied.

"You can dispense with the formalities, Walter. Please feel comfortable to speak as candidly as you wish. Can you tell us what happened at your outpost, Walter?" The Counselor asked.

"Yes Sir-ah, yes. I had been there about six months. Everything was pretty much like normal and one day this... ship... crashed." Henderson started to explain, thinking back to the day it happened; losing his train of thought.

"I see. Is this the ship to which you are referring?" The counselor questioned, while showing a holographic representation of the down transport ship that had arrived in Henderson's Outpost.

"Yeah. Yeah that's it." Henderson replied looking towards the holographic image that was shown in front of him.

"Please, tell me what was on the ship, Walter?" The Counselor asked politely.

"I don't know. The Blues got there first. They fought us off while they cleared it out. Took the stuff back to Base. By the time, we got a hold of it; it just seemed like a regular old transport. Our engineer said some of the wiring had been messed with but he didn't seem, you know, worried about it or nothing like that." Henderson explained, speaking as if he was confused.

"I see. Thank you for that." The Counselor replied.

"But whatever was on the ship, must have been what started the whole thing." Henderson carried on, while Wash and I, just stand there confused, realizing that the situation was a lot more complicated than we thought.

"Please Walter, define 'Thing'." The Counselor asked.

"The infection. The Blues just stopped fighting us. Some of them set up camp outside their base and trapped the rest of their team inside; blew up their comm tower for some reason. Their own comm tower... Then they blew up ours. That's why we couldn't radio for help, we couldn't figure out why they would do that. After that, nothing. No word from them at all. The CO sent a squad over... all the Blues were dead. They had killed each other." Henderson explained, while Wash and I look at each other as if this red guy was crazy. 'Why would they kill each other?' Beta asked in my thoughts. 'I don't know B, I don't know' I thought in my head.

"Why do you think they did that?" The Counselor questioned.

"I don't know. They had torn the radios out of their helmets and dismantled their computers. The CO said they were trying to build something...but I saw all the stuff, no way! They were trying to break it. And there was another body in there too. Not a Blue, somebody else. Actually she looked like those two." Henderson said while looking over to Wash and I in the corner.

"Don't worry about them for now, Walter. Please, continue." The Counselor asked.

"We brought all the equipment back to base and brought in online. And that's when the infection started for us." Henderson explained.

"The soldiers became...sick?" The Counselor asked, confused, like Wash and I.

"No. They just... they were different. Off. We would catch guys getting into areas they shouldn't get into. But the weird thing was, a guy would go crazy, act up, and then we would throw him in a cell, and he would be fine. Then another guy would go nuts, disobey orders. Like trying to bring the comm tower back online even though we were told to leave it be. Maybe they knew it was coming." Henderson kept explaining.

Hunt (Recovery One And RvB Fanfic) - End of trilogy 3/3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora