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It's been quite a while since I had been with anyone else except from my A.I. Beta. Although it's been a few months since it happened, since I left Agent Texas, and... my father dying, I have decided on leaving to go join the recovery unit. To meet an old friend, Agent Washington. I don't have one clue if he knows I am alive.

As I reach the Recovery Unit Base, which is located on Earth. I wonder if they will let me join, or at least let me work alongside Wash. Memories pour through my head, of when I first met the team, in the insurrection base. Me and Riley trying to enter to get information for the army. That was good times, I wonder if Riley is still alive, or has even joined any other forces while I have been gone. It would be great to see her again, she was my first friend and I never really got to say good bye to her. I wonder if they ever told her I was killed in action, or apparently K.I.A.

I don't know why I am really joining the Recovery Unit when I could be having a normal life, god knows where in the universe. I don't even know what happened to Reach or my adoptive family, or my team. I probably have lost so many people and don't even know it. I hope my adoptive family are still alive, they are so innocent, I hope the Covenant didn't invade here while I was gone. I hope Project Freelancer didn't tell my adoptive family I was sort of dead. They don't deserve the grief, I have had since I woke up, with my real mum and dad dead, from Texas mission's that have resulted in me losing them because Texas thought she was doing the right thing. When in fact she is the reason why I now have no parents. Although I am glad that I didn't decide to rip her throat out at the base where Wyoming was, I kind of wish I did, considering now I have not smiled at all. Beta has tried to make me laugh or even just smile but it doesn't work, I think I have lost too much to be able to see a brighter day ever again...

Hunt (Recovery One And RvB Fanfic) - End of trilogy 3/3Where stories live. Discover now