First Day III [Unedited]

Start from the beginning

Andr stood suddenly surprising those near her with the full extent of her height in full display, her towering figure clear as she murmurs intelligibly as she forces her way out of the room with the professor not long behind her.

Silence dawns on the classroom as they slowly scatter to move on with their day to forget the incident of their own doing.

Yang whistles as she sat down at the desk previously occupied by Andr. "That could have gone better."

Blake lifts a note that Yang had sat on accident earning a yell from the blond girl. "It could have but she's fine." Blake said stoically the note in her hand earned both the attention of Jaune and Yang.

"What's that you got there?" Jaune asks and Blake twist the paper to face the two

"I am fine, su'prise is all , atention bad-" "No feel Bad"

Jaune feels relieved after reading rather chicken scratch words but was understandable, Yang smiled scratching the back of her head apologetically, while Blake was surprised that Andr was able to write anything in that state for it looked like she was truly about to break.

Andr had settled her nerves adequately enough to not warrant suspicion on herself, her fingers are back to their pinkish tint and her eyes settled to a rounder and calmer state, Professor Port had encouraged her to keep it easy and proceed with caution, even telling her to avoid the rest of the class but that would have been detrimental to her standing with the students if she could not make her peace with them.

Her note had not been understandable in that state.

The professor was hesitant but gave in, as he had to settle his work for the day, reminding Andr to be much more cautious and vigilant to revealing any part of her fabricated past, and go about his way.

The rest of the day were Andr making piecemeal apologies to her classmates and they apologized for their behavior in return earning her some small talks she could practice despite her still limited vocabulary, many were kind enough to help her along the way including team JNPR whom  Andr had stuck to for the whole day due to her familiarity with them.

At the last toll of the school chimes ending the classes of the day and students marching on to their dorms to rest and work on their assigned works, Andr was once again with the JNPR team as they depart from their class

"Like what you guys wear loins cloth and shake spears with the Grimm," Nora droned on her presumptions while Andr answered as politely (and as close to her cover) as possible. "Or are you those tribes that are actually so advance you could lift mountains with your bare hands, using some kind of dust-gauntlet machines?!"

"I think Professor Port had mentioned they could lift large objects just fine, Nora." Ren reminded his fast-acting companion.

Andr could not help but chuckle at Nora, compared to the other students Nora's questions were borderline fantasy but it had helped with her mood tremendously.

"To think an unknown civilization had lived for so long in secret, away from society." Pyrrha spoke, "It is quite the wonder your people have survived for so long not to mention evolved in difference to that of our own."

While Nora leans to the side of fiction and fantasy, Pyrrha was a stoic rationalist and logical that it concerned Andr to how Pyrrha had not discovered the secret that is Andr on her own already, but then again transdimensional travelers were not common and flies to the realm of fiction.

Nonetheless Andr was rather happy with what she had gain in this dimensional mishap adventure, she wrote in her note. "We are hard and strong people, Pyrrha" cut, dry, and simple Pyrrha smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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