To Be Gay Or Not To be That Is The Question

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-Oakleys pov- 

Do I wanna be gay? should that be a thing. I mean I really like Xavier but should I be with him like that? My entire life I have been dating both genders until now. I mean I don't need to fear rejection. My parents abandoned me as a child when I was ten cause they thought I wasn't going to be successful. Now I have an entire line of clothing. I live in a huge mansion with my men that take care of me. Technically they would be butlers but they help me do illegal stuff. What if I get into a relationship and he finds out my secret. There is another reason why I am so rich but no I can't let him find out. What if I fall in love. What If I fall in love and he rejects me cause of the other reason that made me so rich. Honestly I don't want to be rich I just want a family. Do I want that family with him.

-Xaviers pov- 

Oakely hasn't been out of his room all day. His men says he is thinking about some plan to kidnap Paisley but I know that he isn't making any plans. I know I told him I would be gay with him but I can't be with him if he is going to keep things from me. What am I thinking about? He never even lead you on that he is think about you. Why am I just assuming he is thinking about me. Man I really like him.  But is it a good idea to be in a relationship with someone who kidnapped you. I need to speak with him. I know I am not supposed to go in his room but it must be done. I want to know. 

-Valenetino's Pov- 

I wake up with my princess in my arms. She is so peaceful when she is sleeping. I slowly move her off of my arms and try not to wake her up. It's around seven so I will start on the chicken alfredo I promised her. I start cooking the noodles when she comes out the room with messy hair and wrinkled cloths. She looks so tired and says nothing. she hugs me from behind and wraps her arms around my torso as I make the alfredo. If this is what a relationship is about I am all for it. I want to marry this chick one day. She stays on me until I start getting out the plates for us and she helps me set the table for us. 
"Thank you babe." She tells me. 
"No problem but you need to get back in that bed missy. You have a concussion remember?" I tell her as she starts to put food on her plate. 
"Only if you stay with me." She tells me. 
"I would baby but I still have to unload the car." I tell her.
"Ok, but promise to set up the PS4 in our room and set up Sims 4." She asks me. 
"I promise." I tell her. 
She finishes her food and heads back inside the room. As she goes back into the room there is a knock at the door. I grab the unloaded handgun out of the drawer and a loaded magazine clip out of the drawer next to it. 
"Just a second." I yell at the person on the other side of the door.
Quickly I put the magazine clip in my pocket and double check there is no bullets in the gun. Holding the gun in my right hand behind by back I open the door with my left hand. Surprise it's Oakley.   

"what do you want?" I say coldly. 

"I just want to apologize." He tell me. 
At that moment I notice that he brought company. Xavier stands next to him. But the amazing part is, they are holding hands. 
"You want to apologize?" I repeat back to him. 
"Yes, I am very sorry for going after your girl. I am also sorry for hurting her and betraying my best friend and bro. Now I realize that I was wrong and that I should have gone after another girl, or man." He tells me.
"And you found me how?" I ask him. 
" I asked your cousin." He tells me. 
"Ok and why is Xavier here." I say.
"Well, its a little complicated. We are not together yet in a relationship but we are thinking about it." He tells me. 
"Ok, you done?" I death glare him. 
"Yeah but like, are we cool?" He he asks me with pleading eyes. 
"Are we cool? You think I am going except you apology after you gave my baby a concussion? You think saying I am sorry and showing up with your boyfriend is going to make me open you back into my life? You guys shot at us and made us go though hell and you think you can waltz back in like nothing happend? I'm sorry hon but that isn't happening." I yell at him. 
Paisley hears me yelling so she comes out of the room. 
"What is happening? You guys are hurting my-" She cutts her self off when she sees who is at the door and notices the gun behind my back that Oakley and his company hasn't seen yet.  
" It's ok baby girl. Go back to the room. I will set up sims after they leave." I tell her. 
"No, I am staying out here." She bosses. "Now Oakley, Xavier, What are you doing here?" 
She death glares them with a look that could scare Batman. 
"Well, we um, we are here to apologize." Oakley barely manages to get out. 

"Well nice try but your sorrys are declined here. Plus acting to be gay isnt going to do anything. We wont let you back into our lives when you are pretending to be gay just so you can get closer to me." Paisley looks pissed. "You have 5 seconds to get out of my door way before your dead." 

She death glares them and they dart out of the apartment building. 

"Can you set up sims now baby?" She asks me. 
"Yeah, anything for my princess." I reply.
Damn she is so sexy when she is treating others. 

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