Chapter 10 [Determination]

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"Idiot! You're going to get yourself killed!"

She didn't listen to any reason. She wasn't even listening to what her team mates were saying. She just continued running into the woods, pursuing a man, an S-class criminal. Unfortunately for him, he was marked, as her new prey.

Her teammate tried to stop her but she refused to give in and so, she abandoned her teammate, going after the man on her own. That man was Zabuza Momoichi from the Land of Waves.

She was only 10 back then but she had the confident that she could defeat this guy, this S-ranked criminal. Why? Because she herself was already one of the S-ranked shinobi. She did countless of S-ranked missions before and succeeded without fail.

He ran and ran and ran, she pursued and pursued and pursued. Then finally, he stopped.

"I like people like you." He said, placing his sword on his shoulder as he turned back to look at her.

She narrowed her eyes. 'He's just trying to soften me.' She told herself.

"Had me as your goal huh? I'll tell you what, you can't kill me. If you can I'll give you this sword, it's the seversword. I'm one of the seven swordsmen." He said proudly as he got into his fighting stance.

The girl glared. Accepting the challenge, she started attacking him. Very soon after, she knew what he meant by she can't beat him. She didn't have the ability to. She didn't have a plan. He was right.

"Could I head with you on your journey? For now, I'd got stuff I need to learn and I figure you'll be help." She said, placing her sword back into its cover.

"You're a powerful girl and I see that you belong to the hidden leaf. An anbu member? I think so. It wouldn't be nice for such a nice person to follow a man like me. I'm a criminal." He said heading off without her.

She didn't care, she followed. She followed him all the way.

"Okay, okay. I'll keep you for as long as you want. But you're going to have to break that good record of yours, being a good shinobi. Because you're now with me, a criminal, we're going to do dirty work. Dirty missions. And your name night appear in the bingo book if you're good enough." He said.

She didn't mind. Not at all. She already did lots of dirty work for the anbu. She's doing the same now, just that it's for herself. And well she might even get famous. Making things more interesting.

They headed into a dark alley. It was a deep one. As you exit the alley, you arrive in a place that seem very much like a market. It was the black market, where criminals get their missions. It was the first time she ever entered that place, it was Zabuza who told her this places existence.

Zabuza grabbed a few missions at once and immediately headed off. The girl followed along. It took them days to complete the mission.

'The girl's good. Normally, it'd take more than weeks to complete these missions especially since I purposely chose the hard ones.' Zabuza thought to himself.

They were walking on a bridge and they saw a little boy, that looked like a girl.

He had nowhere to go. Zabuza took him in, since he use belong to a clan and so had a kekkei genkai which was now extinct. His name was Haku.

They continued travelling after that, getting more missions and all. Sometimes, they would stop in between and have some training.

The girl was getting famous through all the missions. It was because she was good, even at the killing. Many wanted her head but failed to get it.

Weeks after, she decided to return to konoha. Before she left, she had one last spar with Zabuza. She didn't win neither did she lose.

She left half way. "Till next time. I will definitely get that sword of yours."

"The Wind Assassin. What business do you have in konoha?" The third hokage approached her saying.

"Nothing much. I came back because I wanted to." She said strolling pass him.

"I'm making you anbu captain." He said with his eyes closed.

She stopped her footsteps. Previously, he didn't wanted her to be the captain. He was scared, scared that she was too young. She was only a child then. She was barely 6.

'Maybe, just maybe, that name helped boost up his confidence in her. Maybe, it helped her become anbu captain.' She thought to herself as she nodded accepting the job.

'Next time. I will thank him and get that sword from him.' She repeatedly told herself.

She trained really hard, but despite that, she was talented too. She was the best anbu captain konoha every had. Her team never failed any missions and the standard of the anbu increase rapidly. The anbu was gaining popularity, more and more people started to send them missions.

However, the anbu wasn't the only one who was gaining popularity. The girl was well-known, almost everyone knows her. Some know her as the anbu captain, some know her as The Wind Assassin, some know her as her while some just know her as a dangerous assassin.

The girl, is the one and only, Itsuko Uchiha.

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