Chapter 3 [More than a test]

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"Itsuko! Wake up! You're 3 hours late!"

"Why are you waking me up so early?" She yawned, rubbing her eyes. She tucked herself back into bed, covering the ray of the sun with her thick white blanket. As she shut her eyes she drifted back into unconsciousness, enjoying the warmth and comfort of her bed.

"You're 3 hours late." Kurama emphasised in a irritated tone.

"So? You woke me up 3 hours late." Itsuko mumbled, quietly cursing at him for waking her.

"And what am I? Your alarm clock?" He grumped, not speaking to her any further. She groaned, rolling off her bed before she lazily got herself prepared for the day.

"Geez you're so uptight sometimes. I know Kakashi well enough to know he'd be late." She returned with a huff, shortly before she slammed the door behind her, leaving the house. She wanted to stay in her bed, though she doesn't sleep well but it was still comfortable regardless.

Slowly strolling to the training ground, she could the the three of them already gathered there. Sakura had a irritated facial expression, Naruto was on the verge of falling asleep, Sasuke couldn't care less about them but was irritated by the fact that Kakashi and Itsuko we're very late.

"Itsuko sensei! You're late!" Sakura jumped, yelling at Itsuko just as she entered her sight.

"I never arrive earlier than Kakashi." She yawned again, walking on the tree so she could rest on a tree branch while she waited. She needed to wait for Kakashi's test to be over too.

"Can we start on your test first? Waiting for Kakashi sensei is a waste of time." Sasuke glared. She was certainly not someone very patient.

"No. But I can give you guys a head start on what to expect." Itsuko smirked, jumping off the tree branch, landing on her two feet.

"That works too!" Sakura squealed excitedly, clearly having no clue on what was going to happen.

"I can beat you easily! Since you're really weak." All of a sudden, Naruto yelled with his hands behind his head, looking as carefree as ever. Weak? It's been a long time since she had even heard someone call her that. Those who did were all dead.

"Tell me that when you beat me in the test later." She laughed. There was no way she could beat her, not even if he uses Kurama's chakra to the maximum.

"Kakashi get your bell test over with. They need to know who they're up against and watch their words or I might end up slaughtering someone." Itsuko spoke, to Kakashi who was watching from behind the bushes for awhile now.

No one noticed him but Itsuko. She didn't really expect anyone to notice. They were only genins after all.

"Hey Sasuke. Is she stronger than Kakashi sensei? How strong was your brother?" Innocent Naruto whispered into Sasuke ears with his hands covering his mouth, hoping Itsuko wouldn't hear.

"He only had the skill to at most destroy a clan in one night." Sasuke replied.

He thought, Itachi wasn't that strong.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura and Naruto both screamed at Kakashi as he crawled out from the bush upon being noticed by Itsuko. Sasuke just glanced over. He probably didn't care much but to get this over and done with.

"Well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take another path." He laughed nervously, not even putting in effort to hide the fact that he was late on purpose.

"Anyways, today's assignment is to take these bells away from me by noon. Those who don't get it don't get lunch. You'll be tied to the that as I eat my lunch before your very eyes." He explained, pointing to the three logs in front of the training field.

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