Years to come... (Final)

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As you spend more and more days with Jimin, you realise just how much you are falling for him. Was it possible to continuously fall for him?

Through the hard times in your life... everything was worth it because it brought you to Jimin. Through all the hate and all the complaints and all the fights... it was worth it. You had Jimin by your side. Although you two still fought at times, at the end of the day, you know that Jimin will be there to remind you that he loves you no matter what.

"I love you, you big pain in the ass," Jimin grumbled.

You rolled your eyes.

He chuckled. "I'm looking forward to spending the next few years with you, Y/N. You always amaze me in ways I never thought any woman could."

You looked sideways at him, hoping that he was serious. He was.

"You're definitely different from the men I've been with," you responded. And he was. Jimin wasn't just an ordinary man but so much more.

Looking at him, you realised just how much you're willing to give up for him. You'd walk through fire for him. Jimin was everything you've ever wanted, but thought you didn't deserve it.

"I love you too," you said. "In case you don't know."

Jimin laughed, his eyes weren't on you but on the scenery. "I know." 

Complications with Jimin (Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now