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You walked back into the room and saw all the members staring at you.

Flashing them a big fake smile, you apologised to them, "Unfortunately, I can't see you off tomorrow—"

"Did you and Jimin fought?" Namjoon asked, cutting you off.

You stared. "What?"

"It's obvious something is up," Jin said, eyes narrowed.

Shaking your head, you reassured them by saying, "No, no. Nothing is wrong."

"He hasn't been spending much time with you, right?" Taehyung frowned. "You always come to support him, but you're never here long."

You shook your head, "It's understandable. Jimin is usually like this..." you trailed off. 

No. Jimin wasn't like this before. He always find time to make you laugh and hang with you even if his schedule is packed like it has been for the past few weeks. You were dreading with the fact that he might not love you anymore.

After all, why would you push away the one you love, right?

Bidding the members farewell, you got out of there and back into your car. You could feel your eyes burning as tears threatened to fall. This was the first time you left before Jimin's events and performances are wrapped up. He didn't even try to stop you, but rather looked pleased that you were going leave early. You heart ached at the thought of living without Jimin loving you.

Tears rolled down your face as you drove out of there. Jimin doesn't love you like he used to. It's so obvious. Even you knew that this day will come. Why would he want to be with an ordinary girl like you when he can have any models and any celebrities he wanted, right? 

Complications with Jimin (Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now