Happy for Y/N and Jimin

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All of the members peeked from around the corner to watch you and Jimin.

"She's smiling," Hoseok said with a bright smile on his face. "It's not a forced or a fake one this time."

"Guess they really worked it out," Suga said beside Hoseok. They all saw Jimin smiling down at you. Something he hasn't done since the past few weeks.

"Y/N is so beautiful when she smiles," Jin said. "Ow!"

He glanced back and saw his girlfriend there, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "Say it again, oppa, I didn't think I heard you properly."

"Baby," Jin said, laughing. "You know I think that you are the most beautiful woman alive. But we both know that the most beautiful human ever existed is me."

She shoved him in the chest and walked out of the room, muttering something about Jin being a narcissist prince. Hoseok's girlfriend was laughing, shaking her head.

"What did I do wrong?" Jin asked, innocently.

Taehyung laughed as he hugged Jin, "Hyung, we can't deal with you anymore."

"Why not?" Jin asked in confusion.

Taehyung laughed along with the other members.

"I always will question his age," Namjoon muttered without looking at him. His eyes were on his woman. 

Jungkook grinned. "That's because hyung often acts like he's younger than me."

"That's me trying to get along with all of you," Jin protested.

"Keep saying that if it makes you feel better," Hoseok smirked.

"She should have thought that before she dated Jin," Suga pointed out and received a slap by his closest girl friend.

"Ah, she knew who she wanted," Jin winked over at his girlfriend who rolled her eyes as she drank from her water bottle.

Complications with Jimin (Imagine)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang