Cast off

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When you got back from having your cast off, you were so happy that you didn't have to wear it for another week or two.

So, when you walked into your room, you were pretty surprised that Jimin was there. He was still wearing the same clothes you saw before you left. He had his laptop opened, so it was obvious he was probably monitoring the performances he has done recently.

His head turned towards you who was just standing there looking at him. Jimin's eyes went to your bare arm and he closed his laptop before sitting and facing you. "You're back."

"Can I ask what you're doing?" 

"I heard that you're going to get your cast off," Jimin said, sliding off the bed and standing at the edge of it. You were a little thankful he didn't try to touch you or anything.

"Jungkook told you?"

He nodded. "Yeah," he said softly. "You came to drop off food too."

You shrugged like it was nothing. With their busy schedules, you know that they weren't eating properly. You love each and every one of the members too.

Jimin then took a step towards you and you moved back from him. His eyes were filled with pain at your reaction to his nearness.

For a brief moment, you two just stared at each other without saying a word. What was there to say?

"I'm sorry," Jimin said, breaking the silence.

You swallowed and nodded. You knew he was. He wouldn't be Jimin if he wasn't sorry about the way he had treated you. You didn't just fall in love with someone random, you fell in love with his heart and his soul. His looks were bonuses.

"I shouldn't have pushed you away when all you did was worry about me," Jimin said quietly. "I regret it so much now. I was under so much pressure and stress and I took it out on you."

You stayed quiet. There was nothing to say. 

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