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Jimin wouldn't leave you alone for the next few days despite going out now and then for interviews, mv shooting and photoshoots.

You couldn't help but think whether it was because of your fractured arm. Was that the reason he's here? He feels guilty?

You didn't need or want that from him. You wanted him to be there because he loves you and because he's worried about you. Deep down, you knew he felt bad about not being there for you while you were in pain.

Blowing out a frustrated sigh, you stripped and walked into the shower. After a long shower, you stepped out and made your way towards the kitchen.

It's been four weeks since your accident. According to the doctors, you will be able to take your cast off in about two or three weeks. You are still pretty damn thankful it wasn't broken.

You got dress and walked out of the room only to see that Jimin was sitting on the floor eating. You froze and stared at him.

He glanced up at you. He no longer has that annoyed look in his eyes. His eyes were filled with love and concern. You can tell that he was still very tired.

"You look good," he said with his mouth full.

You glared. "Did you really just eat my dinner?"

He glanced down at the plate and then back at you. "Yeah."

You inhaled, trying to not throw anything in his face. It's hard for you to cook because of your arm, but you managed anyways. It took longer than usual though.

"Come eat with me," Jimin said, patting the ground beside him.

"Are you ever going to leave?" you demanded. "You're all in my space and I don't like it."

The minute you said it, you almost regret it. Although Jimin had been pushing you away for the past few weeks, it still wasn't nice. Jimin never said it to you as well, even though his actions said something else.

He didn't look bothered by what you said. "You going to eat?"

"I've got a friend coming over," you said, clearing your throat.

Jimin stopped eating, his eyes narrowed. "Is it that guy friend of yours?"

"Wouldn't be your business anyways," you retorted, although you heard the hostility in his tone.

"It is my damn business considering you're my girlfriend," he shot back before reaching for his glass of water. After he finished drinking, he placed the glass down and said, "You know what, I'm supposed to be at the studio recording for our new album, but I'll stay here."

"Stay if you want," you shrugged. "We're not meeting here anyways."

Jimin's eyes narrowed dangerously.

You rolled your eyes. "Get to work. We both know how important that is to you."

It wasn't that harsh, but the minute you said that, you felt a small pain in my chest. Somehow, saying it out loud made it sound more... real.

You didn't know what your expression was, when Jimin suddenly said. "My work isn't more important than you, Y/N."

You glanced back at him.

Jimin had a serious look. "I know it looks that way, but trust me, it's not. The fans—they've always been there for each and every one of the members. You know our dance routine and our songs as well. You know I have parts that is a bit impossible for the others to cover. They need me."

"You don't have to explain," you said, turning your back to him. "I know that very well." And you do. 

Complications with Jimin (Imagine)Where stories live. Discover now